View Full Version : Flutter and afraid to die

06-04-15, 14:53
Omg I hate this feeling.

I was outside in my garage cleaning up - taking it nice n slow cuz I have hangovers. Then, out of nowhere, my heart started beating irregular for 2-3 secs. Followed by the immense feel of panic and hopelessnes.

Ive had 2 holtners and several ecgs plus a echochardiagram from a chardiodoctor. Nothing to worry about they say.......

Yet I do!

Im so afraid that Ill have a stroke, or heartfailure :(

My betablockers isnt working 100% for me sadly..

Im so afraid...

07-04-15, 21:03
Im still afraid that what I experienced was afib and I someday (soon) will die from it :( Im so afraid

08-04-15, 21:10
Hi! I get heart flutters too and they are terrifying, the doctors would definitely have picked up on something though if something was wrong! Try not to worry (although I know it's hard) the doctors wouldn't have dismissed you if they thought something was going to happen to you xx

10-04-15, 17:30
Alcohol is one of the biggest causes of PVCs/Palpitations. A huge amount of 'normal' people get skipped beats/flutters when hungover aswell.

Alcohol is seriously bad for your body.

10-04-15, 22:53
Strangely though when I used to drink heavily every weekend I rarely got palpitations, but when I did get them they were worse.

17-04-15, 15:35
I am living my life in utter terror. I get weird heartbeats, extra beats, skipped beats and horrible racing heart episodes. Went to hospital twice with the racing heart and I got sent home. Now Im gerting a skippy weird beat every few seconds and its gone on for three days and I have them as I am writing this.. GP gave me zantac but I know it won't help me. I am totally crippled by these problems. Im scared to go to the toilet or make a cup of tea. Im scared to walk or laugh..
Im so unhappy and terrified, I want to play with my children and run and laugh..
I have been prescribed anti arythmia drug but the side effects say they can cause fatal arythmia! I just don't know what to do anymore, nobody in the medical profession seem to care how terrifying these beats are, I havent eaten for days and only managed to sip water as the missed beats get worse if I eat.
I know you all understand how I feel but I would love to know if theres light at the end of this terrifying tunnel Im in xx

21-04-15, 16:13
Hey everyone,

Thanks for the comforting words. It really does help me alot <3

Ive decided to not drink alcohol at a lvl that gives hangovers. Combined with me trying to reduce stress lvls and go out running 2-3 times a week helps alot. I still get skipped beats but atleast not evey day.

Thanks for the support :)
