View Full Version : Lump in Thigh

06-04-15, 15:29

The last couple of months I've had this strange lump in my inner thigh very close to my panty line that appears before my period or at the start of my period. When I first noticed it I thought it was because my jeans were tight and they'd rubbed but the same thing happened the next month and this month.

The weird thing is it's under the skin and swells a bit but it's not hot and it's a bit painful to press on the area. It looks like a slight bruise on the top of it.

I've googled the symptoms since it doesn't seem urgent and I really hate going the doctors it freaks me out, I guess I really just want to know if anyone has heard of anything similar and it's not serious.

I'm 20 btw and it's definitely not an STD. I've been trying to keep realistic about it and not become convinced I'm dying but I really want some peace of mind about this and Doctors, tests and stuff do freak me out!

Any help appreciated:D

06-04-15, 15:39
Hi there, it doesn't sound like anything bad probs a lipoma or a small cyst, I know how you feel I am going through the same at the moment, I have had a small bump on my collarbone for ages, but iI have started to fret because behind it I have a long ropey band that runs from the collarbone up to the muscle behind my neck, it feels like muscle but I'm convinced it sinister as I don't have it on both sides, and like you I don't want to go to docs as I am scared of test etc, so I can totally relate to how you feel, but yoursvsound pretty harmless I wouldn't worry xx

06-04-15, 16:03
Thanks, sorry to hear about yours! It's horrible when you get random things happening in your body really makes you worry

08-04-15, 12:32
It's still there and I'm panicking a bit, it feels fairly deep under the skin and it's starting to worry me more. Google is not helping

Gary A
08-04-15, 12:51
Just sounds like a prominent lymph node to me. Your groin area is where you're more likely to feel glands and nodes. If there is skin irritation above it then it may be a minor skin infection that has caught on to the gland. If it seems to fluctuate in size then it's highly unlikely to be something sinister. Cancerous tumours get bigger and bigger, they don't get smaller one minute then bigger the next.

I'd strongly advise you to see your doctor, not because I think this is anything at all serious, far from it, but simply to put your mind at ease. Your doctor will only refer you for tests if they feel it's worriesome, but based on your description I think they'll tell you it's nothing more than a pretty standard lymph node.