View Full Version : HIV phobia is back but i'm ok!

06-04-15, 15:40
Hi guys,

So within the past few days my HIV phobia has come back. I honestly think if I lived in a cabin in the middle of Alaska for the rest of my life and never saw another person again, I'd still think I had contracted HIV someone. But lately I've kinda been using this coping mechanism which I thought would be useful to share...

If ever met HA flares up again I just think now why worry? No matter how much I panic, it won't change whether I have got something or not. In this case I've ordered a HIV test. I know the chances are very slim but I just think it is out of my control and if I do have it, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Just wandering if anyone else thinks like this sometimes? Just thought I'd share because it really does help calm me down :-)

Thanks guys