View Full Version : Labyrinthtus/viral inner ear infection or something far worse

06-04-15, 18:47
Hey guys

I'm currently having a bit of a Heath scare and I'd love some feedback on, as usual my anxiety is telling me it's the worst case scenario

On 23rd March I developed dizziness, this dizziness was somewhat sudden and appeared shortly after I woke up that day. I became very worried as I've never really had dizziness before, apart from the occasional 5 second dizzy feeling that would come and go every now and then.

As I thought it was an eye issue, I decided to book an appointment with the optometrist. My dizziness continued up to the appointment, where I was evaluated. He asked the normal questions and ascertained that my prescription had increased in one eye by about .25-.50 but that was to be expected since I haven't been for an appointment for 4 years. He checked my retina and optic nerve and aaid all looked fine and I was sent on my way with a new pair of glasses

The followong Monday I had a appointment with the doctor so he could make a diagnosis on my dizziness. He also checked my eyes, took blood pressure and looked inside my ears and also said everyrhing was fine. He said that he believes that it was a viral inner ear infection and that if it hasn't cleared within 7-10 days for me to come back and he would have another look

That appointment was 7 days ago and I feel no better, I have been getting a few more symptoms to list since the initial optometrist and doctors appointment:

Nausea that comes and goes
Accompanying diarrhea
Prpblem focusing especially on the computer
Poor night vision, I find it hard to cope with glare
Seeing rainbow coloured halos around white lights and general halos around other lights
A headache that comes and goes and affects small parts of my head for a few seconds, about the size of a golf ball. These little aches seem to spring up randomly and don't really hurt they are just slight dull aches that don't last very long
Reduced hearing in one ear however this is normal for me as I have always had one ear drum weaker than the other due to eustacian tube dysfunction
Can hear my pulse whooshing through the affected ear more loudly

I am really concerned about a brain tumour even though I know a lot of these symptoms do fall under a viral inner ear problem, a lot of them fall under brain tumour symptoms as well and i can't shake the fear that's it a tumour

I have another appointment booked with the doctor on Thursday which will be 11 days after the initial diagnosis

Am I being irrational? My gf and friends seem to think I am whereas I can't seem to shake off this fear. I worry that I end up being the boy that cried wolf and people just won't believe me when I am really ill (which could be this time!!)

Gary A
06-04-15, 20:34
None of your symptoms sound as if they're neuroligical in nature. The fact you have dizziness accompanied by hearing loss would certainly suggest a peripheral cause. How long are these dizzy spells lasting?

06-04-15, 20:43
Thanks for replying Gary! The dizziness is constant and doesn't come and go, it's markedly better when ive been sat down for a while in a fixed position watching tv for instance but if I am active the dizziness is worse. Things like walking through crowds and shopping centres makes it worse or looking at a computer screen where my eyes are moving round the screen

---------- Post added at 20:43 ---------- Previous post was at 20:41 ----------

Ps I'm 31

Gary A
06-04-15, 20:44
Sounds very typical of psychogenic dizziness. Is it a spinning dizziness, an unsteady feeling, a floating or lightheaded feeling or just a general strange feeling?

06-04-15, 20:48
It's not a spinning feeling, the world just seems a bit wonky like and unbalanced. Sort of feels like I am always a little drunk, like I've had a couple of beers but without the fun :(

Gary A
06-04-15, 20:52
Well a brain tumour would cause vertigo, a constant violent spinning sensation, that or gait problems, an actual loss of balance to the point you can't walk in a straight line. Two exercises to try. Close your eyes, can you touch your nose with each finger with them closed? Then try to balance on one leg, do it with each leg. Let me know how you got on with those.

06-04-15, 21:00
should I try the finger test sitting down or standing up and do I need my eyes closed for the standing on one leg test

Gary A
06-04-15, 21:12
Standing up preferably, and no, keep your eyes open for the balance one.

06-04-15, 21:57
I could do both of those tests, I can stand and hold on one leg (both) but did have a little bit of jerking but ultimately didn't break the pose. I also managed to do the finger one too??

Gary A
06-04-15, 22:15
Then your co-ordination and balance are absolutely fine, this would not be the case if you had a brain tumour that caused dizziness. You're either suffering from an ear infection or its anxiety related. Either way, there's no need to assume you're suffering from some incurable condition. Personally, I feel it's anxiety related, but see your doctor for a definitive diagnosis.

06-04-15, 22:27
I am booked in for Thursday this week so will see what he says then. I am also booked in to see a psychologist who has helped me in the past with other personal matters, but we never touched upon health anxiety as it hadn't flared up at the time, I will be discussing this with her as I want to get to the root of why I feel like this as it puts a strain on my gf and family members when they have to listen to me thinking the worst all the time

Its crazy for me sometimes, like as soon as I have these thoughts I end up googling

07-04-15, 07:44
Another symptom I forgpt to mention is I have had some muscle twitching. The twitches only last for a couple of seconds and have been happening in an eyelid and on my calcs predominantly. They only last a couple of seconds and are gone again

08-04-15, 14:08
I am very worried one specific symptom and its connection with brain problems. I seem to be seeing halos around bright lights at night and seem to be affected a bit more by glare. I cant help but think that this is caused by a brain tumour, despite an optician and a doctor both looking into my eyes and seeing no swelling on my optical nerve which would suggest there is no intercranial pressure. I haven't had the pressure test of my eyes done though, the one where they blow air into your eyes. Cant seem to shake this horrible feeling of a brain tumour

Gary A
08-04-15, 14:47
Anxiety can cause this sensitivity to light. Basically, when you're anxious your fight or flight mode is on red alert. Your body adjusts itself to be prepared for a fight or to run away. It sweats to cool you down, it makes blood rush to your legs to give you the ability to run, it increases your heart rate and pulse by releasing adrenaline which in turn prepares your body to either fight or run away. It also sharpens your senses, sight being one of them. Your pupils dilate in order that you can see the perceived danger and focus more intently. This is what's happening to you.

Sensitivity to light and "halos" around lights are not symptoms of a brain tumour. They're a symptom of a misfiring fight or flight response, and your constant anxiety is what is causing it.

09-04-15, 15:11
Update: went back to the docs today about the dizziness and he still believes it's an inner ear infection and isn't worried. Funnily enough I have been feeling overall a little better over the past 2 days but as soon as I enter a conversation with it internally, it freaks me out and I start panicking which triggers even worse dizziness. He recommended I come back in a week if it still hasn't cleared up. He prescribed me some nasal spray in case it was sinus related and recommended I come back if it's no better in 1 week

He checked my ears again and behind my eyes and was happy on both counts. I'm going in for a minor op on my lip in an hour so maybe I have just been having anxiety manifest subconsciously because of the op without really realising it. At least the lip op recovery gives me something to focus on and I'll see if the dizziness changes as a result...