View Full Version : Is this Anxiety !!

06-04-15, 19:08
i know no one can diagnose, but here is a list of my symptoms:
Achey joints
Shaky hands
Dry mouth
Dry eyes , have to use drops everyday
Sore throat on and off for 1 month
Extreme tiredness
Can these really all be caused by stress..

06-04-15, 21:32
I have had all those symptoms with anxiety , but i went to the doctors and got checked out .
My nephew has had the shaky hands and was told it is stress related .

06-04-15, 21:53
It also can be low potassium. But it would be more weak muscles not the joints. You don't have to be very low. I was just under minimum and eating a lot of bananas over a few days got rid of most of it. I get tested again in a week.Dry mouth is still there but not bad.

Propranolol is supposed to get rid of shaky hands.

06-04-15, 23:50

I'll try and break down every one of the symptoms you say you've been experiencing..

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Achey joints

Can defintiely be caused by anxiety, I get achey joints when I get anxious.

"Joint pain is never a standalone symptom of anxiety. It's something that develops as your anxiety develops. Anxiety and joint pain enjoy a complex relationship, and one that is not nearly as simple as saying "anxiety causes joint pain." The reality is that anxiety causes problems that affect the creation and experience of joint pain. Some people absolutely will get joint pain from anxiety, but not everyone that claims to experience joint pain is necessarily experiencing the pain they believe."

Read here: http://www.calmclinic.com/anxiety/symptoms/joint-pain

Shaky hands

Definitely. I know that many people get shaky hands when they're anxious, including me. Your hands shake when you panic, because you're more alert when you're anxious and it's like you're constantly on edge and moving, almost like keeping yourself sane. That's my theory anyway, but obviously I've been proven wrong..

"The most common hand symptom of anxiety is a restless shaking. This shaking has an obvious cause. When you suffer from anxiety, your body rushes with adrenaline – a hormone that gives your body a tremendous amount of energy, which – when unused – leads to physical agitation. That causes your hands and legs to shake, often visibly."

Read here: http://www.calmclinic.com/anxiety/signs/affected-hands

Dry mouth

Yep. Happens to me.

Read here: http://www.calmclinic.com/anxiety/symptoms/dry-mouth

Dry eyes

When you read the text below, you can see that anxiety can cause blurred vision. Blurred vision is usually the result of the eyes drying out, so I think you could say that a symptom of anxiety is dry eyes. Or it could be caused by something such as allergies..

"When you suffer from intense anxiety, two things happen to your eyes. First, your pupils dilate. When you fight or flight system is activated, your pupils dilate to make it easier to make quick decisions (in a fight, you need to be able to see a punch coming). This is what causes issues like light sensitivity and eye aches.

You also experience a tightening of the muscles in your face. This may constrict the blood vessels to the eyes and cause further eye pain, aches, or even some blurred vision.[/U]"

Read here: http://www.calmclinic.com/anxiety/symptoms/affected-eyes

Sore throat

Yep, it can be caused by anxiety. But in a more complicated way:

"[I]Many people report that their anxiety directly causes a sore throat. This is possible, but fairly rare. Sore throat is better described as a "secondary" anxiety symptom. Secondary symptoms are physical issues that occur because of another anxiety symptom, not because of the initial anxiety."

Read here: http://www.calmclinic.com/anxiety/symptoms/sore-throat

Extreme tiredness

I remember when I was at my most anxious, I used to get really tired during the day and just make myself more tired worrying about the tiredness. This is a tricky one that I'm not sure of, so it'd be worth mentioning this to your doctor if you see him/her. Not because I'm saying it's anything serious which it probably isn't, but because if you're getting so anxious that it's causing extreme tiredness then maybe it is a problem that your anxiety is that bad. It's hard to explain.

..or you may be not getting enough sleep? Like I say, I'm not sure. There may be a good explanation below..

Crash – The main reason has to do with the crash you feel after your adrenaline runs out. Anxiety is like being on high alert. Your body is preparing you as though you're about to get ready for a fight, and so it floods with energy in order to get you ready to attack and run from anything coming at you. Of course, nothing comes at you, and when that adrenaline runs out your body goes through a crash that can cause severe fatigue and tiredness.

Read here: http://www.calmclinic.com/anxiety/symptoms/tiredness

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So in short: it sounds like anxiety, but if you're worried then you need to see a doctor.

Some useful links that may help conquer your anxiety are below, although the biggest help for you may be consulting your parents if you're under 16 and/or seeing your GP who will be able to help you get further, more in-depth help:


Good luck, and in the mean time make sure your thoughts are 99.9% positive.

Toby :hugs: