View Full Version : REALLY BAD job interview anxiety

06-04-15, 21:14
Hey guys!

My anxiety has been much more controllable since I stopped taking Klonopin. Its been a year this month since I've been benzo free! :yesyes:

On a less positive note, it's also been a year this month since I've been employed...I quit my job last year because I was unable to function without the Klonopin. Some very dark months followed.

Anyways, I've been looking for a job for months. I got an interview a few weeks ago but was a nervous WRECK in the HR office. The employer asked me for my ID / SS card and I was visibly trembling when I got out my wallet. My voice was cracking, I was probably taking deep breaths and I wouldn't be surprised if he thought I was having a heart attack right then and there (although he didnt say anything)

Needless to say, I didn't get the job. And that really frustrated me, but I continued looking.

I just got a phone call today from a company that sounds really interested in me. From what I can tell, I'm overqualified so they are very persistent in keeping in contact with me. When I answered their call today, my voice started shaking again and I felt like I was having trouble breathing. I'm excited for this job, so I am really frustrated that my body is interpreting my excitement as danger and creating physical symptoms as a result of fear.

I think they are going to invite me for an interview very soon - within the next few days. What can I do to reduce physical symptoms while I'm in the hot seat? I feel like I am there mentally. It's the shaking and speaking difficulties that really get to me. I have some valerian root and L-theanine, but am not 100% sure if I should take that due to my low blood pressure.

What do you guys think? Any advice? I'm about to go for a little jog to clear my mind a bit. That usually seems to help. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

06-04-15, 21:28
Hey Hazmatz!

Firstly, congrats on getting interviews in the first place, even getting one is hard enough out there at the moment so give yourself a massive pat on the back :) I can sympathise as I'm rubbish at interviews and tend to babble as I'm so nervous but I managed to get my job I'm in now so someone saw something in me I didn't!

Secondly, what are your thoughts that go through your mind during an interview or even before? Sometimes the things we are thinking get across in the manner we act in and the way we speak, you know like if you're really excited you start talking faster and your mind is racing ten times a second so your mouth tries to keep up? You need to make sure your thoughts are collected and your mind is calm, have you tried Kalms before? They are just Valerian mixed with some other herbal bits which can help to calm you down, you don't want to be too calm for your interview in case you come across as though you don't care.

Sounds silly but practise the interview with yourself, how you would answer as you can correct yourself and see if what you are saying makes sense and tweak it if it doesn't. Practise with a friend if needs be. There are some interview practise links on Google which are quite handy!

If you need anything don't hesitate to ask :)

Good luck....I'm sure you will get an interview and sail through it :)

HB xx

09-04-15, 18:51
Update: I got the job! I was pretty nervous for the first ten minutes but they hired me on the spot to work full time! Yay! Thanks for the positive words :)

09-04-15, 20:26

Bet you surprised yourself right?

See bet that gave you a good boost that you needed?

HB xx