View Full Version : About to lose everything.

06-04-15, 23:25
I need help. I am on the brink of losing it all.

Right now? I have a lump in my throat and it feels as if it is restricting my breathing.

I have been to the ER 4 times in 4 days; all for different issues.

I can't stop crying. My fiance is worried and is thinking about taking the kids and leaving me.

I went from heart attack, to Colon cancer ,To Lung cancer, and now I'm at brain cancer after a short brush with Lymphoma.

I know I am a hypochondriac but I can't shake it. Why is there a lump in my throat. Why do I feel like I can't breathe?

Why can't I admit to myself that I don't have brain cancer.

I need help.. Please

07-04-15, 00:24
anxiety is a tricky one, have you been on any meds ???? if been sent home 4 times with no issues then this is down too you and needing to accept anxiety, ive been were you are and its a scary horrid place - the only way out is acceptance the more you accept it the more it ****s off and leave us alone ( sorry for the lanauage) buts its true - tbh has doctor offered you any help at all - CBT - Meds to help you take edge off like propanadol - diazepam - mirtazapine anything ? i found the more i accepted it the better it got the less the symptons - still get bad days but am not stuck were you are now i know the pressure must be on espeically with the kids but they not helping as it a stress related thing ! or depression i duno what you pass is like but anxiety has 3 main causes depression stress post tramautic stress disorder - even if go back to hospital it should really be a sign for them to give you the help you need! there is light at the end of this tunnel! just keep going and it eventually all be over, best of luck x

07-04-15, 00:34

With health ànxiety it doesn't work with admitting you don't have "brain cancer" tbe fear is so much more then that! That's why you can't admit it because your trapped in the fear of it. I nearly lost everything whrn mine first started my whole world was turned upside down nd it's still pretty much a fighting battle everyday but you will find your own way of dealing with it I don't think there's a one size fits all kind of way xx

07-04-15, 00:36
everyone is different when i drooled myself into that sort self pity of fear i literally lost my life ...... everyday pushed myself and try positive things even tho my head screaming ur guna die of a tumour .... now 2 months on got my life back by simple little changes everyday x

09-04-15, 01:51

You are okay. Trust me. I have felt this lump in the throat feeling and I have had these sensations that you can not breathe. You are okay. Repeat that to yourself endlessly. Once you forget this sensation and LET IT GO, it will subside.

My dad also had this and he has anxiety and OCD as well.

I know how anxiety can disrupt your relationship, you cannot let these anxieties get in the way of living YOUR LIFE.

You must live in the now, I have worried about colon cancer, schizophrenia ect.
I have wasted too much of my life with FEARS. None of which ended up being real.

You are okay, please enjoy your life, light a candle, take up yoga and try to think with rationality. Give yourself the same advice that you would give to a friend ( that helps me )

Please message me if you need, I am getting a masters in therapy and counselling and I would love to help,

Best wishes,


12-04-15, 09:41
I've been here. But I've never got so worked up as to go to hospital 4 times.
Here's what I know:
You have a lump in your throat as a result of the stress you're under from worrying. It's a natural response because when you're stressed your immune system is down so your body is trying to protect you from illness (eg cold) other ways.
You feel like you can't breathe because you're panicking, it's natural too, it's just the fight or flight response. Box Breathing helps with this. Breathe in for 5 seconds, hold for 5 seconds, out for 5, hold for 5, repeat. As you calm down you can increase the seconds.
What I would suggest other than physical help is for you to ask your doctor for Beta-Blockers or something similar. If you're against going on drugs because the idea scares you, these are great. They are only short term and you only take them when you're really panicking. They just hold off the panic so you can get back in the control seat, and they wear off after a few hours. You don't have to take one unless you need to.
If you're up for a more long-term thing I would go for benzodiazepines because they just make you feel calm for longer. But you would take these like normal medication so it's up to you.
At this stage, I do think medication will help, just long enough for you to get back in control.
I hope I don't sound like a know-it-all because this is all self-educated and I may be wrong. But hey, it works for me. Hope I helped :)
Good luck xx