View Full Version : White speck on nipple causing me to panic

07-04-15, 07:15
Roughly a week ago I noticed a white speck or dot on my nipple right on the end, there is only one and it looks like a white head that you get on skin elsewhere really. I'm so scared this could be some kind of cancer of the milk duct or Paget's disease or some kind if calcification which I've read could be cancer. Has anyone else had this? If you google white speck on nipple it comes up with blocked milk duct and all sites that come up are ones to do with pregnancy but I have never had children and I'm def not pregnant now. Its not the natural bumps you gets round the nipple either, the white speck isn't even particularly raised.

So scared, my boyfriend was diagnosed with testicular cancer about a month ago and we thought his symptoms would be nothing, I think this has me panicing than ever that mine will turn out to be something sinister, plus I'm still being bullied at work and suffering panic attacks about that, I just dont think I can cope worrying that I have breast cancer too in top of my boyfriend and work :-(

07-04-15, 07:18
Try not to worry yourself too much (I know it's hard) get it checked out and put ur mind at rest :) xx

07-04-15, 07:40
Yeah I know should probs go to docs but it's tricky getting away from work at mo, I can't really take any time off other than what I already am for boyfriend's appointments. I wouldn't have believed it was possible to be anxious about so many things at once :-( Am sat waiting for train to work and anxiety is off scale about all three things..... Really hoping this us nothing at least.

07-04-15, 08:23
Are they Montgomery Tubercles? Google them- if so, they're totally benign and common.

Take care :)

07-04-15, 13:22
I don't think they are Montgomery tubercles, as this speck is bright white not red or flesh coloured and is right on the end of the nipple not round the outside, I have these as well and the white speck doesn't look similar. It looks similar to the image half way down the post on here http://forums.thebump.com/discussion/6117315/maybe-a-milk-blister-pls-help I haven't had children and I'm not pregnant though so I don't see how it could be a blocked milk duct :-(

07-04-15, 17:55
It's nothing. You can still get a bit of a blocked duct when you don't have children.

09-04-15, 00:34
I went to the docs this morning about this, my doc said she had didn't know what it was and hadn't seen something like this before. She couldn't feel any lumps anywhere else at least. She agreed if I had been pregnant or had children she would think just a blocked duct but she hasn't personally had a blocked duct in someone without children before. She did say though that breasts can change due to hormones and that she wanted to wait another 4 weeks to see if it goes away as aim young. If it doesn't she said that I should go back and she will refer me to the breast cancer clinic for women under 35 to do tests. Im guessing she might mean fir a mammogram. She said that it's normal for them to ask women under 35 to wait this long to see if an abnormality goes away if they have no family history as breast cancer isn't considered common in women under that age and due to breasts changing in young women due to fluctuating hormones.

She pretty much floored me really, I was completely expecting her to say its a blocked pore or something like that, not to actually take me seriously. My doctor is very direct and straight forward and doesn't tend to be the type to refer me for tests in the past without a battle, I had to go back about a suspicious looking mole for four times for example. She has me fairly shocked and worried that she is suggesting a referral if it doesn't disappear soon. I know it's probs because she can't say what it is so needs to refer me on to find this out, but I think I expected all possibilities of breast cancer to be pretty much dismissed as a virtual impossibility and to get glared at for suggesting it could be anything.

And to top it all the fact I took a half hour off to go to docs did not go down terribly well and my delightful line manager has been worse than ever today piling on pressure and finding fault :-(

I'm thinking we'd have to be quite unlucky for my boyfriend and myself to have cancer at same time, both starting off with less than likely symptoms.... Going to be a long four weeks!