View Full Version : Awful als fear

07-04-15, 14:47
Hi all my nightmare began 8 weeks ago when I notice a twitch in my tricep.After a week I googled got panicked so went to see a nerologist.He checked me over said everything looked good and to come back in a month.So by the 2nd week of my twitching arm i suddenly break out in twitching everywhere also start cramping in my calfs.I then notice occasional twitch in my tongue by this time I can't eat or sleep or play with my kids I feel lost.So I saw my Nero again and he suggested an nerve test and emg I had this done 2 weeks ago 6 weeks into twitching.The emg was done in both legs and arms in my shoulder my trapizuz my tongue and chin my cheek and paraspinals after the test the consultant says all normal.My Nero phones me and says normal no als I felt better for a few days.My twitching has reduced all over my body apart from my tongue i now feel like I have a tightness one side of my throat and am scared to eat.I decided to get a second opinion on Thursday the consultant looked at my emg and checked my tongue strength and reflexes then said 100% no als yet I'm still scared.Im new to health anxiety so don't really understand why I can't belive the doctors and tests.Is this normal for anxiety?

Gary A
07-04-15, 15:05
It's very normal for health anxiety, yes. One of the major symptoms of health anxiety is disbelief at a diagnosis from a medical professional. That's despite all the testing you've had done, even to the point of seeing a consultant. To be honest, if you don't feel better after seeing these guys and them telling you 100% that you do not have ALS, then I'd strongly suggest seeking a counsellor of some sort. Try asking your GP about CBT. Reassurance won't help you if the reassurance you've already recieved hasn't done so, it's now time to face your actual illness, which is health anxiety. It's perfectly treatable, but first you must realise that this is the problem, not the perceived illness in your head.

07-04-15, 15:50
Hi Gary I'm actually waiting to see a clinical phycolgist my neroulogist thought that was the best action to take he thinks my twitching is caused by anxiety.Whenever I have had a test before I have believed it so this is all new for me.I think the tongue twitching and throat swallowing has got me but as my Nero said they poked my tongue so something nasty would have shown.I think this health anxiety is going to take me a long time to get over.