View Full Version : Feeling sick. Something's wrong and I'm terrified

07-04-15, 16:13
I've been feeling sick for a while, just trying to face blood tests now to find out what's going on. I feel sick and hot but no temp. I'm terrified! So I'm getting almost no sleep and its making my days with my little kids harder each day. I spent all yesterday crying.
I fall asleep fine but wake up, feel sick and it immediately spirals me. I'm so scared to find out what's wrong. Worst time! I was googling and it was coming up diabetes, thyroid, lukeamia etc. I seem to have many of the symptoms for all!
Desperate to get better. Hopefully I can face the blood test maybe this week :(.
I'm so so scared I'm beside myself and I feel so alone with this

07-04-15, 16:44
I too was scared of blood tests in my mind I just knew everything would come back messed up. I finally did it and everything came back for the most part normal. A lot of times our mind convince us that it's not OK when in fact it is. I think you will be relieved once it's actually done and you know there isn't anything seriously wrong with your blood. Good luck

07-04-15, 16:49
Thank you so much! I'm really hoping so and just about to pluck up my courage. Really praying its nothing unfixable

08-04-15, 12:53
I'm sorry you're going through this nausea is horrible and I can relate to the dear of the blood tests.
I hope that the tests come back clear and from there you get the help you need to live a happier life.
Just as an aside, I struggle with a lot of nausea due to IBS and anxiety, hopefully you get reassurance from this site and knowing that nausea doesn't necessarily mean serious illness it can be just another symptom of anxiety and can be managed along with the panic. If you search for 'nausea' you'll see a load of threads from people who get hot and nauseaous too

08-04-15, 13:59
Thanks Vicky, I was feeling better today but sick again tonight. Dreading blood test! In an awful state but knowing getting the test is the only way out of this :(. Thankyou for replying