View Full Version : headaches on and off moods wings dizzyness...

07-04-15, 17:55
I have anxiety but laterly I have been extremely moody like im angry at everything I'm even making myself mad because I just suddenly become grumpy and angry I feel Dizzy all day and have on and off migrain/headache all day odd stomach cramps ect I actually had mood swings really bad while pregnant although I'm not pregnant and also having random palps floaters in eye / flash light but that's part of the headache I feel so much anger I'm not really a angry person I whine a lot as I have really bad symtoms and health anxoety lol laterly also I have arm pain like my shoulders and under is so stiff and sore my neck kinda stiff and sore and I keep getting random belly pains my fingers lock up also if I hold in a certain position ect like peeling potatoes my fingers will lock for a few seconds just feel 23 and getting symtoms of a 70 odd year old or older

05-05-15, 16:09
I have all these symptoms and were told they were all symptoms of Anxiety.. I am now taking Fluoxetine 6 week in and most of the symptoms are going! My anxiety is easier and i dont feel anyway near as angry.. i still have a bit of dizzyness but loads better. Hope this helps.