View Full Version : palpatations how long?

20-01-07, 16:38
Its me again im on 5th day of palpatations not as bad as they were on tuesday with racing heart beats just the odd blip all day like its doing somersaults in there. How long do these go on for any good ideas how to get rid of them tried, distraction , breathing etc, any suggestions would be grateful. Many thanks for reading .
Take care

20-01-07, 16:52
Hi Anne
I have had missed heartbeats for 8 months now and have been told they are not sinister. It is really hard to deal with i know! Stress and anxiety makes them worse they seem to feed off it. Try to ignore them if you can they wont harm you just frighten you there are a lot of people on here that suffer with them
take care carol

20-01-07, 19:13
Hi there,

My palps lasted for 2wks once , they really scared me but they did eventually go. Have you been watching the caffeine as this can cause them too worsen. Try not too worry as they are not sinister and stress makes them worse, i hope you feel better soon.

Take care

shirley xx

'' I am an optimist, but I'm an optimist who carries a raincoat. '' - Harold Wilson

20-01-07, 20:51
Hi there
Thank you both for your replys they seemed to have calmed down now still getting them but not so many had a good cry on the phone to a friend then put the music on loud danced round the kitchen (glad no one could see me!!!) and then had some friends over for dinner. Just hope they go soon, been drinking de caf today so hope that will help. Thank you again Take care
Anne xx

28-01-07, 02:34
[|)]Hi There,
This is my first post. I love this website!
I have been getting heart palpitations since I was 25, I am 35 now. When I first got them they really freaked me out. I ate alot of tums because I had a lot of heartburn ( they gave me a placebo effect I am sure)with it and I was under alot of stress. Anyway they eventually went away. When I was 30 they came back. I was newly pregnant and my father had passed away. My heart would flip flop every couple of seconds sometimes. I would have episodes where it would do it all day a couple of times a minute. Thankfully I had good insureance and was pregnant so they took it very serious. They gave me a thing to record my heart. I wore that for a month, then had an ultrasound on it. I was perfectly fine. I did keep having the occasional episode. But it was Just stress and anxiety. The mind is a wild thing. I still get them now and it does still scare the crap out of me. I just try to ignore it Which isn't always easy. Hope this might help anyone who is going through it. The brain can do amazing things to our bodies.