View Full Version : Ms als fear

07-04-15, 20:56
Hi everyone I made the mistake of watching this movie about a woman who gets diagnosed with ALS after watching the movie, I stupidly googled and of course I began to feel loads of symptoms like twitching of muscles, numbness, pins and needles and I have this tightness on my right ankle that comes and goes.. when I feel really anxious about it I even start to feel like my limbs are getting weak. I go to the gym almost everyday and I haven't seen any changes in my workout.. I dunno if maybe i'm thinking about it so much that i'm feeling this way? i'm worried and scared and I've been crying about this for days..

07-04-15, 22:19
You have sensory symptoms. ALS cannot cause sensory symptoms.

To paraphrase one of the diagnostic manuals, the presence of fasciculations (those little twitches) points away from the presence of MS.

Symptoms that come and go throughout the day are not compatible with either disease.

Yorkshire born
07-04-15, 23:16
I've just had a rubbish day with my muscles twitching and tingling, however I've seen a neurologist and have had these sensations for the last 6 years now and I'm still physically fine, even if it does send my anxiety into over drive when I'm feeling down.

08-04-15, 00:15
ALS symptoms do not ever come and go. After the onset they are always present and never improve.

Most people with MS experience inflammation of the optic nerve as their first symptom. These twitches etc are really common with anxiety- I have them myself!

You're going to be ok :)