View Full Version : Presyncope (Almost Fainted?)

07-04-15, 21:26
I've been feeling dizzy/off-balance for about two years now on an almost daily basis....finally accepted that it's anxiety-related and started taking meds about ten days ago....this morning, had a scary turn when I got out of the shower....felt dizzy (lightheaded), my ears started buzzing, and my vision got a bit weird....I knew (from previous experience) that this was a near-faint so I laid down on the bed for a few minutes until it passed....of course, I've been agonizing over this episode all day....my heart worries are back and I'm consumed by the fear that I'm going to die from a cardiovascular event....I should note that I've had a bunch of tests over the last two years (including two visits to a cardiologist, who told me to stop worrying about my heart), but now I'm convinced (again) that there's something terribly wrong....am I overreacting? I've never actually fainted, and I've only had this specific type of episode maybe twice in the last two years (or ever).....I'm trying to convince myself that it was likely just a combination of innocent factors....just got up, hadn't eaten yet, maybe the shower was too warm, maybe my blood pressure dipped a bit low....but y'all know how convincing health anxiety can be....I'm coming a bit unglued!:wacko: