View Full Version : Can I make a Lymph Node bigger?

08-04-15, 11:27

As you might know I worry alot over glands in the neck, I went to the doctors 2 weeks ago o get a pea sized one checked out, he said it was fine, but to come back if it gets biggers, so what do i do? Keep feeling it to see if its got bigger, when I look in the mirror it looks like it slightly sticks out but still feels like a pea, the skin is also a little red around it. Have I made it worse?

Also, when a doctor says 'come back if it gets bigger' what do they mean by bigger? What sort of size? This Gland has bugged me for well over 3 weeks now even with the doctor saying it is fine!

Gary A
08-04-15, 12:25
Think of a gland like a mole on your skin. We all have them, some are big, some are small. If you go to a doctor to get a mole checked out and they say it's fine, then its fine. However, they'll always tell you to keep an eye out for changes in size etc. that's a signal that it may be becoming a problem. This gland is the same. It's fine at the minute, but keep an eye on it as you would a mole.

That does not mean you obsessively poke and prod at it. If you did that to a mole it'd get bigger, redder and more painful. This in turn would make you worry it's gotten bigger due to some sinister ailment. Your gland is the same. Keep poking and prodding and you'll convince yourself it's gotten bigger of its own accord, whist completely ignoring the fact that actually, it's your never ending prodding that's causing it.

Check it once a week for about a month, after that check it once every two weeks. Chances are you'll find no signs of enlargement and will eventually forget all about it.

08-04-15, 16:18
To answer your question: Yes, you can make a node larger by poking and prodding it. Your doctor isn't concerned and hopefully you can convince yourself of the same and keep you hands away from your neck.

Positive thoughts

08-04-15, 18:56
A lymph node being up for three weeks signified nothing more than that your lymphatic system is functioning well. They're a part of your body, they do a job, leave them alone to do it!