View Full Version : Still having digestive problems

08-04-15, 17:40
I took the advice of a member here who told me for my digestive problems and anxiety to have a pig out kind of day. Well that's what I did a week and a half ago. I hung out with my friends, watched WrestleMania and ate pizza, chips, soda etc. Surprisingly this seemed to help some oddly enough, the next day while not perfect my bowel movements were more bulky and my appitite seemed to increase slightly. I even went to a buffet with my family. While I still would get the urge to deficate in the morning and after meals it wasn't as bad as it had been. Basically when I would go to use the bathroom I would get something out usually a larger stool than before. Then something happened. On Thursday I felt like I had to use the bathroom but couldn't go much, only a bit came out and I strained. I noticed blood on the toilet paper which just triggered my anxiety again. The next few days I contunued to look for blood but didn't notice any. Since I've decided to stop looking what's on the toilet paper as I don't think it's helping the anxiety.

This week I'm still experiencing the urge to deficate early in the morning. Usually before I'm ready to get up. It doesn't interrupt my sleep during the night. Today I woke up and couldn't tell if I was having an anxiety stack, or if it was has or if I needed to have a BM. All I know is I woke up feeling a little jittery (it's better now) with lots of gas. I had two bowel movements and since the gas has went away for now. I've also been experiencing pain under the ribs on both sides. My appitite still isn't great. While some days are better than others I'm still barely eating two full sized meals a day. Some days the pain is in the left side, others the right, and other days both. I know some here mentioned getting counseling and they will be happy to know I'm going forward with it but unfortunately I'm on a waiting list which could take months.

Any advice?