View Full Version : got mt tamazapan for tonight

08-04-15, 18:31
Doc gave me 28 tamazapan tablets 20mg.iv had these before and never had a prob on them.so if i dont get a good nights sleep tonight,i will be a very angry man tom..going to bed at 10 tonight..

08-04-15, 19:49
Good luck... sweet dreams

08-04-15, 19:53
Be careful greg. As you know they are highly addictive and I'm surprised you've been given 28 tablets

08-04-15, 20:53
I know they are pulisa,but iv been in control of these before on and off for a few months when my insomnia was really bad.i only had one hear and there to catchup..hopefully in a couple of days ill be back to my norm sleep routen again and wont need to take these anymore

08-04-15, 21:00
Personally Zopiclone is my drug of choice for sleep:D

08-04-15, 21:07
Yea iv had zopiclone before..did the job to..

08-04-15, 21:10
I prefer ginger mint tea and 500 mg of calcium. But then by the end of the day I'm so tired I would sleep, the tea and calcium is just so the demons will let me.

09-04-15, 05:52
He must trust you, Greg. They don't give out 28 Diazepam's thesedays.

09-04-15, 11:31
Yes 28 mate.my last doctor only used to give me 6..anyway i went to bed last night at 10.15pm which is early for me..had my 5mg olanzipine my trazadone and one sleeping pill..woke up at 8.15am had a toilet then fell back to sleep till 11am so had plenty of sleep.made up for the last week of not sleeping.tonight just my norm meds so hopefully ill sleep as norm now iv been back on my olanzipine for a couple of days.woke up feeling quite anxious tho even after all that sleep...tho only part of this anxiety i really hate is this DP and DR which i keep getting

09-04-15, 11:54
See how it goes tonight then, Greg. There is every chance things will go back to before.

At least you've recovered from it.

Sleeping that long is probably because you had a really rough one the other night like the big nights I said I had because I was exhausted.

09-04-15, 13:20
Yes i agree terry.thanks mate.

09-04-15, 13:21
Good Luck with your medication Greg. :hugs:xx

09-04-15, 13:34
Thanks magic..although i slept well last night i dont feel refreshed today,feel quite anxious as it goes..can win..

10-04-15, 04:29
Remember Greg that you have reduced your dose and increased. I don't know anything about olanzapine and altering dosages but if you did thay with SSRI/SNRI's you would expect a few rough days while it normalised.

There is a number of half lives that it takes for a drug to be fully available which is 3-5 half lives. Olanzapine info states it takes about a week to reach steady-state.

Obviously, thats from first use so it may be more complicated in a scenario where it reduces & then is restored but thats one for a pharmacist to answer really.

So, I think you need to see how it goes and wait for this time to pass.

I think MrAndy reduced and later restored his when he had that bad week of insomnia. He's on holiday this week so he must be taking a break with his family but maybe he can give you some more advice on this when he's back next week?

If things get intolerable or anything strange occurs, speak to your GP.

10-04-15, 12:20
Thanks for the info Terry.i just bloody wish i didnt have this DR AND DP following me around in my day.really getting me down esp as my head allways feels congested and feeling flat,which is how iv felt for months now.id give anything for a day off it all and feel happy and relaxed

10-04-15, 13:23
Temazepam (10mg) helped me last week to break than anxiety/lack of sleep cycle. I'm still not sleeping that 'great', but I can manage as the Citalpram kicks in more. Still got the Temazepam and also Zopiclone (emergency) just in case.

10-04-15, 13:52
Thats good logan..thats the way i look at it.iv got them now if i realy nead them..i slept ok without them last night.still woke a bit early than norm.8.30am..still,i had iver 7 hrs sleep

10-04-15, 14:11
Thats good logan..thats the way i look at it.iv got them now if i realy nead them..i slept ok without them last night.still woke a bit early than norm.8.30am..still,i had iver 7 hrs sleep

It's a good thing to know that we have something in reserve, Greg. Offers something of a safety valve when need be.

10-04-15, 15:23
Spot on.and i know they work realy well for me,so i know ill sleep well when i have one