View Full Version : ****ting Myself

05-09-04, 01:28
God i'm back at work the week after next and i'm absolutly ****ting myself that i'm gonna have a mad panic attack there because thats where i had my first really bad one. but i feel if i stay off any longer then i'm just not ever gonna be able to go back. i feel so good at the moment, not had a full on panic attack for a good few days(still getting the old pains in the chest pains syndrome) but really scared about going back. anyone got any advise on this should i be facing my fears? or letting them lie for a bit?


05-09-04, 02:21
It sounds to me like you have a dose of the fear of fear itself.
Which is understandable.

The longer you put off going back to work the worse you are going to feel about it.

I think the first thing you have to do is tell someone at work the situation you are in.
Explain the problems you are facing because of the panic attacks. They are far more likely to be sympathic towards you. See if you can pop in for a few minutes or so to test the water before commiting yourself to a full days work.

Good luck !

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

05-09-04, 11:29
Hiya Ty

Yep I agree with Liz.
Are they sympathetic at work?, do they know?

I had 6 weeks off work and they let me come back part time until I was able to cope again. It helped me immensely.

Worth a try?

love Sarah

05-09-04, 12:27
hello there,

I think that you have done the right thing by going back to work. Just try to take it easy and be proud of yourself cos it's the only way you will get over your fear - by facing it!!

Sarah :D

05-09-04, 12:47
Know how you feel!!! Going back to work tomorrow myself! I'm a teacher and after 6 weeks holiday the thought of going back really doesn't fill me with joy!!! I know I have to make myself do it though as it only makes things worse if I avoid things. Already had a week of feeling poo, just hope it passes quickly!!! I shall let you know how it goes for me!!!

05-09-04, 13:06
Hello There!

Thanks for the advice.
Sarah, they do know yep and are very sympathetic, and did want me to come back part time at first but the fact is that i cant afford to go back part time. I know its good to face my fears but i have been in to work to hand in sick notes etc. and i get anxious then and start to work myself up even though i dont have to do any work and i'll only be there for a short time. Think i might just change jobs, and i know that seems like the easy way out but dont know what else to do! Feel so alone there when i start to panic, feel like i cant talk to anyone. OH what to do?


05-09-04, 14:05

Going back part-time even if it is just for 2 weeks will ease you back into it.

If they are understanding then even better!

Getting a new job will cause you more worry and panic as it will be all new and that is probably not what you need at the moment till you get your confidence back.

I never had anyone to talk to when I panic'd at work as they didn't know the extent of it and I didn't feel that anyone would really be able to help. I work mainly with guys and there were no women that I felt I knew well enough to go to.

I used to go to the loo and phone my partner for reassurance that I was ok. Sometimes I took 1/2 a Diazepam.

Try not to get worked up over it just yet or you will be exhausted by the time you go back.


05-09-04, 17:36

i was back at school last thursday and it was hell, i was shivering and felt my heart miss a beat everytime i saw my ex-best friend. try to think of the good things when going to work, mine is to see my other friends and to attend child development.

going part time is a good idea. it will make you feel alot happier.

i wish you the best of luck tomorrow

Scooter Girl

if i wa hungry would u feed me, if i fell u you help me up, if i was crying would brush away my tears

11-09-04, 21:35
Hey, I know just how you feel. I'm due back at uni in a couple of weeks to start my masters and at the end of last term I started having P/As in lectures and now I'm bricking it that they'll start again, even though I've made great improvements over the summer. To make matters worse, I don't know anyone on my new course so its not like I can confide in someone that I can trust. I'm sure we'll both do just fine but the thought isn't good I know. I reckon its a case of get the first week or so over with and then we'll know that we're going to be OK.

Good luck, thinking of you!

Jo xxx

11-09-04, 21:52
ow no jo, in a hall full of peeps, ho embarrassing, i nearly had a PA in anssembally with 200 peeps in, now that woudl of been embarrassing

hope all is well

Scooter Girl

if i was hungry would you feed me, if i fell you help me up, if i was crying would you brush away my tears

12-09-04, 01:23
Hi ty

Well done for getting back into work and coping. I know it hasnt been easy but you have done it.

If your job is stressing you then it is right to think about changing it but if you think by doing that you are running from the situation it isnt the answer.

Can see how alone you feel, even if people understand you are still coping alone. Are you strong enough to change jobs and move to a diferent environment. Think about it as the grass isnt always greener as we all know.

You have got back into it so give it time before you make major decisions.

Love Sal xxxxx