View Full Version : Shortness of Breath....

08-04-15, 20:20
For the last few weeks I have had a strange feeling that I am short of breath, sometimes it can suddenly come on and last a few seconds and I have to stop and think, and other times I wonder if I am short of breath or its anxiety worrying that I am.
If I am walking quick and getting out of breath I get a pain in between my shoulder blades, I am overweight and think it could just be that...
Yet other times I can walk round my field for 2 hours and not notice anything!
Anybody else suffer from this, is it anxiety or should I go doctors x

08-04-15, 21:48
If u can walk around the field for hours and not be short of breath but feel short of breath when walking fast I think That's pretty normal.

09-04-15, 08:03
I have learnt over the past year that sometimes its easier just to go to the doctor and be done with it. Don't be worried, don't go in like your inferior ir the one in the wrong. You are concerned about an unpleasant symptom, go in, tell them this frankly and calmly and listen to what they say. Suggest they listen to your chest if they don't. And ask if a scan would be necessary or an inhaler or peak flow monitor to check if its asthma.
But it does sound like the symptoms aren't continuous or consistent and therefore do not warrant worry. Its very very difficult I understand. But there is support and services available to you and you will be ok!

09-04-15, 08:27
The diapraghm can tighten when anxious which can cause difficulty with breathing. I spent months dealing with a shortness of breath and I went to see a reflexologist to help me relax and during treatment I literally felt my diapraghm flutter and drop. My reflexologist told me my diapraghm was so tight that would explain why I had a shortness of breath.mi found it became tight when I was particularly anxious