View Full Version : Blood clot & birth control..

08-04-15, 22:20
I am absolutely freaking out, I just read a story about a young athletic woman who died from a DVT/Pulmonary embolism from using oral contraceptive. So I googled it as I was worried considering I am on the oral contraceptive and have been for 4 or 5 years, well now I realized tonnes of young healthy women have died or had a DVT/Pulmonary embolism from birth control and now I am absolutely freaking out, I am scared it's going to happen to me!!

07-12-16, 02:03
I have the same fear! However a lot of times these women have underlying genetic tendencies towards blood clots. Seeing as you've been on the pill for a number of years with no problems, you should not be worried as it more than likely would have happened by now. I'm actually switching my method to a progestin with higher risk for DVT (Nuvaring with desogestrel) because that progestin has less negative effects on cholesterol, which I need.

Catherine S
07-12-16, 03:31
Tons? How many is tons...10, 20, 10017.95? I read the other day that women were dying from an allergic reaction to hair colorants, I wonder how many woman will stop dying their hair? Not many I shouldn't think. I also know that women can develop toxic shock syndrome from wearing tampons, but I bet not many gave up using them either. You have to put these things into some kind of perspective. Yes ok it could happen, because obviously it does for some..sorry for tons...but you can't live your life worrying about something that might never happen to you.


07-12-16, 19:06
I had his a DVT worry before.
I actually managed to create symptoms of bubbling in my leg with anxiety.
When something else replaced the worry it went away, so I knew it was anxiety.

07-12-16, 19:32
The vast majority of people with blood clots from hrt/the pill have it because they have an inherited genetic blood clotting issue. There are millions of women on the pill... if you read about a blood clot in the news like the Daily Fail you're really reading about an extraordinaryly unlikely thing to happen to you as an individual (hence why it makes the news). There are some pills notably dianette which tend to be the ones that cause problems these days. Even that is super unlikely. Xxx