View Full Version : citilopram

20-01-07, 22:07
i have just been put up to 30mgs by my dr the 20mgs dint do anything i have relapsed i was on meds 4 2 years then came of them she has put me back on citilopram 10mg 4 1 week then i had 20mgs of citilopram 4 5 weeks now yesterday she has put me up to 30mgsthe only thing is since ive taking the extra 10mg i have pain in my hips and kidneys i have death phoibia and tablet phobia i went to the hospital today i was thinking that it would kill me the side effcts i have still got pain in my kidneys but the hospital said they cant found nowt wrong i dont now what to do

20-01-07, 23:01
im on cit, and i had some wierd sides when i increased also, if the hospital cant find nothing then it prob is just some side effects, see how you are in a few days and try not to worry too much about it
you were right going to the hospital though hope you are ok

we are all stronger people after having this