View Full Version : Fingers feet and face tingles help

08-04-15, 23:26
For the last couple days I've felt these buzzing sensations in my fingers and sometimes my feet. Now and then my lip has been twitching and some muscles too.

Please someone reassure me that stress and anxiety cause this ... I'm home alone with my toddler and nervous of a panic attack.

08-04-15, 23:38
I had this when one of the "doctors" made me believe that my Lyme disease has returned. My hands and face were twitching like crazy, tingling was pretty much everywhere and I had all kinds of wandering pains in my body. Then I changed jobs, found a wonderful doctor (who managed to convince me that I don't have Lyme disease) and all the symptoms were gone and they haven't returned ever since. The more you think of it the worse it gets, meditation and breathing exercises helped me a lot back then. Hang in there, it's going to be alright!

09-04-15, 17:18
Now I am super nervous... I went from having a good couple of days to being in a tizzy.

I decided to test my strength and balance in the ladies room at work, by jumping up and down on my toes. And while I had no issues doing it, I saw these lines that resemble "static electricity lines" on one of those ball things..

What does this mean?

I just did kickboxing class on Sunday and it's 60 mins of intense workout and it involves jumping... didn't notice any then...

MS? Brain Tumor? Anxiety?

My body just feels shaky... i have these pins/needles type feelings in my hands... and I can't focus at all. I have so much work to do :(

This Charming Man
10-04-15, 20:28
Check out the thread 'Feet Problems.....its MS right?'. There are others experiencing similar sensations, including myself. Id wager your symptoms are anxiety related and accepting that is half the battle.