View Full Version : Muscles spasms are so bad my vision is off

08-04-15, 23:56
I'm getting such bad muscle spasms in the back of my head it is causing my vision to jump around. I am so frightened right now. I can't see a gp until Friday and I don't want to go to a&e as I have been there so many times and all my results come back normal.

I am so scared that there is something wrong with my heart or brain and this is my body's final warning signal.

I am so frightened of dying but scared to continue to live if my life is going to be a continuous battle. Is anxiety really this powerful that it can make you whole body pulsate?

Feeling very vulnerable right now and could do with a friendly voice

09-04-15, 00:17
Hi, I get the same thing and I know it's all down to anxiety tightening everything up. I had some treatment on the neck and upper back and everything improves until the anxiety tightens it up again! I know it's easier said than done but doing something to help you relax those muscles a bit really helps. Yes anxiety can seem to be very powerful as our thoughts trigger all the physiological responses but only if we keep thinking it is. Hugs :hugs: x

09-04-15, 01:05
Thanks Ange, I know it's just a vicious circle. I get a new symptom so tense and end up spasming, I then get anxious about the spasms and then it all kicks off. Sadly non of my usual relaxation methods are working at the moment as my muscles are so tense and everything is so sore all I can focus on is the pain and how rubbish I feel.

Thank you for the hug it's just want I need right now x