View Full Version : meds stopped working? please talk some sense into me

09-04-15, 04:47
i've been on 20mg lexapro for about a year and a half and i was doing great had a panic attack here or there of varying degrees but still felt all around alright. however sunday morning i was suddenly hit with a massive panic attack and i've just had one panic after another ever since then. life stuff, existential stuff, mental health stuff, physical health anxiety, the whole 9.

i can't get in to see my counselor til next thursday. so i've got to sort this out on my own or i'm going to have to deal with it for at least another week which sounds like hell to me.

i'm really very worried that my medication has stopped working and i've just returned to where i was a year and a half ago only this time there's no more options left which is terrifying.

crossing my fingers that this is just a massive blip and i'll be back to myself soon

09-04-15, 19:58
i really want this to leave me alone but i just keep getting intrusive thoughts :(

09-04-15, 21:01
You might just need to have your dose upped. Just see this as a blip and nothing more if you can, it pays to look down on it

26-05-15, 10:01
Try reading "at last a life" by paul david. I can't recommend this book enough. I honestly believe it will help you.

15-06-15, 23:12
Hi danivsdani, how did you go at the therapist? Did you end up increasing your dose? Hope you're feeling better now.