View Full Version : Missed beats

09-04-15, 10:06
Just wondering if anyone else has this too..
occasionally, every couple of days I feel as thought my heart misses a beat.. It takes my breath away and only lasts for a second, followed by a rush of adrenaline. It really bothers me but I know it is probably due to feeling anxious..
I went on holiday for a week last month and had none while I was there for the whole week! It's like as soon as I relax I don't get them.
I have never told the doctors about this because I know it is probably only ectopic beats which are nothing to worry about. I'm only 22 so I know it's unlikely to be serious, I just wish I could learn to relax so they don't happen...

10-04-15, 11:15
You could always ask for an ECG at the doctors to put your mind at rest, or a 24 hour one which should definitely catch some.

At your age it's unlikely to be something serious but serious issues can still occur in young people.