View Full Version : Steroid side effects? freaking out :(

09-04-15, 10:15
Hi guys

I am feeling really panicky on the steroid tablets I’ve been given for my asthma. Also I have developed cold symptoms, roof of mouth itching (severe!) and sinus pain. Feel in a right state! The only good thing is I can actually breathe ok now so my asthma is easing. I just feel so on edge like every emotion is heightened. I feel like a rabbit in the headlights!

Has anyone had this reaction? I am taking x6 5mg tablets of Prednisolone every morning and I’m on day 3 of 5 day treatment.

Just thinking “oh my god something is seriously wrong here” and I know it probably isn’t it. This is just my HA making is worse isn’t it?


09-04-15, 15:10
It's normal to feel jittery on prednisolone. I was on 25mg for a month and a half

09-04-15, 19:55
Oh blimey! I'm only on it for 5 days. I do feel pretty jittery, its strange cause I take them first thing but the jitters carry on all day and into the night too. Did you find that?

I think my cold symptoms are just that - a cold! Just unlucky I have caught it on top of having an asthma attack and a chest infection :(

TRIGGER WARNING.....(going into detail about fears)

Can't help but worry something is wrong in spite of the fact only a few months ago I had a full blood count blood test, 2 weeks ago I had a back xray and only last week I had a camera up my nose! I have seen a GP and she has given me all the medication and advice I need for my asthma flare up but I am still so terrified. I just feel so scared I am going to suddenly drop dead or choke to death. I have really disturbing visions of my boyfriend finding me dead when he comes home from work. It is so messed up.

I am getting help, Sertraline and CBT but I feel like my mind is infected with all these weird thoughts and I can't shake it.

HA is an absolute swine.

09-04-15, 21:11
Yes, all day. I actually felt worse in the evening. Totally normal on pred.

09-04-15, 21:45
Ive been taking 10 to 15 mg every day for more than ten years,