View Full Version : for the ladies only please

20-01-07, 22:13
i have only been on the pill for 2 months..and what i want to ask is, is it normal for your period to be light on the pill?
mine normally (off the pill) lasted for 3 days, two of them heavy..now ive noticed on the pill, my period is only lasting one and a half days...
and only one pad....??!!
i also had light spotting around ovutation time, i did google, tho i try not to, and it did say its normal, i just want to get some reasurrance i guess...
i really dont think im pregnant...my breasts arnt sore, like they were when i was..and i just dont have the symptoms of pregnancy. also ive taken every tablet on time without fault...
plus, i suffer from tocophobia, so if i thought i might be, id be a mess...sadly..

20-01-07, 22:35
Yes, that is normal. When I am off the pill my period lasts for 5-6 days, but only lasts for 2-3 days on the pill. And also, the bleeding is not nearly as heavy.
And the spotting is normal as well (for me anyway LOL).
So I am absolutely sure you have nothing to worry about on that matter.
Please take care.

"You can't yell loud enough to make me shut up."

21-01-07, 07:46
thanx so much hexia for the response...
i cant tell you how thankful i am to be able to talk about these things with people who are willing to share information, and have been through the same things as me...

i dont have any girlfriends in 'the real world' who i can talk too, they dont even know i suffer health anxiety...i just know if i told them, they would judge me for it badly...so i just dont see them anymore....i am so so thankful i have lovely people like you all in here...

21-01-07, 07:54
Hi Peach,

It is normal. When off the pill I bleed heavy and my periods last for 7 days. When on the pill I bleed for 5 days and not very heavy.

You are ok.


miss diagnosis
22-01-07, 11:41
perfectly normal/ before i went on the pill my periods used to have me bedridden they were so heavy. Now i get 2-3 days bleeding and a few days of browny discharge stuff

22-01-07, 16:24
It is the great advantage of the pill Peach ! And I have very little period pain though not got rid of my urge for chocolate.