View Full Version : Chest pain

09-04-15, 11:52
Last night I had difficulty sleeping. Everytime I closed my eyes I had this wave of panic come over me and made me feel like I was free falling. This morning I have woken up with a sore left chest and centre as well as a sore left arm. It's more numb than sore. Any ideas? Don't like leaving anything to chance.

15-04-15, 08:01
If you want to instant relief from this problem then you should drink mild herbal tea which can help you to recover your problem fast and try to eat healthy food to cope with this problem and take a massage where you have pain in the chest.

Gary A
15-04-15, 09:50
If you don't like leaving anything to chance then a medical professional should be consulted. You seem to be obsessed with the idea of having heart problems, personally I think it's all stress/anxiety related, but if you're really that concerned you need to speak to a doctor because there's only so much reassurance that can be given over the Internet.

15-04-15, 11:01
Yeah ive had all the tests done and it's all normal. Just constantly seek reassurance. I'm only 20 god forbid I ever do have a heart attack.

Gary A
15-04-15, 11:20
Seeking constant reassurance is simply not the way to deal with this. At 20, your chances of suffering a heart attack are pretty much zero. Especially if you've had all the tests and they have shown nothing untoward. You need to forget having a heart issue and deal with your real problem here, which is health anxiety.

anx mum
15-04-15, 11:27
Hi colin like you I have chest pain mine has been going on over a month now with pain radiating from my shoulder down my arm. I can understand how u feel hun its scary like you ive had tests which have shown nothing but I still want reassurance:hugs:

15-04-15, 11:36
Yeah you're 100% right Gary. I keep thinking about those with actual heart problems which helps me get over it. Any symptom is enough to drive adrenaline over my body. Something I will try to work on, thanks for replying to me!