View Full Version : Need advice

09-04-15, 14:22
I have suffered from anxiety for the last 2 months following a bad drug trip. I was prescribed propanolol to aid it however it made me feel faint and had to come off it, I was then prescribed sertraline and it's given me trouble breathing and I could not sleep at all last night. I think it's the drug now that are making me anxious as their side effects are foreign to me usually. Do you think that with my doctors help I should just come off these meds altogether slowly and safely. And just take Valium from time to time when I can't sleep. Beginning to think meds aren't the answer to my anxiety. Though I could just be ring impatient with the meds? This is my second day on sertraline. Thanks my friends :)

09-04-15, 14:42
Were you worried about the potential side effects? I know I get side effects suggestive of allergy whenever I take a new prescription medication because I'm so worried that I'll have a reaction.

If not, you should probably call your doctor and ask them about the shortness of breath. Then again, you may need to just give it a few weeks to do its thing.

Best wishes :)

09-04-15, 14:49
I didn't really consider them, I'm new to taking medication so any side effect kind of scares me. Particularly with these as they aren't supposed to take any effect for a couple of weeks. Shortness of breath ain't a great side effect when you have anxiety. I just requested a call back for tomorrow morning. Thanks a lot for taking time to reply :)