View Full Version : hello to all!

20-01-07, 22:14
Hi, guys and gals. Glad to see so many people on here that have the same type of problems as I do. I pray that we can all get better, however. But for myself, I am of the opinion at this point that misery loves company.

I didn't really realize that I have been depressed most of my life until I went to the Dr. after experiencing almost constant anxiety and panic. The Dr. gave me Trazadone which I have taken 100 mg. per day for the past 5 weeks. It makes me very sleepy and groggy, and while it has helped my depression, my anxiety is still with me.

Sorry for the long introduction. I just want to thank everybody for this forum, because it seems like there sometimes isn't anyone to talk to.

20-01-07, 22:35
hi randy
welcome im sure you will find lots of support and info here may i ask why do you take trazadone in the day thats for night ive known many to take this including myslef many yrs ago and i would wake up so groggy...i just wanna make sure maby ya can ask ya doc about takin them at night............best to ya...........linda[8D]

20-01-07, 22:45
Hi, Lindalou,

Thanks for being the first to respond to my post. You are now my friend for life!

I take the trazadone at intervals through the day. 25 mg. morning and afternoon and 50 mg at night before bedtime. The biggest problem I have is that I have always been physically active and my job requires me to be alert and physical as well. I feel just completely drained and not really wanting to do anything. Sometimes I have muscle tremors (when I am highly agitated), and that sometimes brings on hypochondriasis. I have great days, good days, bad days, horrible days. I am new to this, and want to know if this is common. Should I expect more from the trazadone after just 4 or 5 weeks? I read where 100 mgs. a day is actually a small dosage. Maybe a larger dose would help? Just wondering.

Thanks again for responding to my post. Hope all is well.

20-01-07, 22:59
Hi Randy

And a BIG warm welcome to you, lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice while making new friends on the way.:D

Take a look at the first step pages Randy you may find them of interest also.

First Steps:
First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

21-01-07, 05:34
elo Randy,

A very big welcome to the site. You will get great support n advice here. Ye not on ye own, we all understand...glad to hav ye on board..x

Take care,
Lin xxx

"Fear is dat lil darkroom, wer negatives r developed", so positive thoughts okies!!!!!

21-01-07, 12:06
Hi Randy,

A big warm welcome to you.

"When There Was Only One It Was Then That I Carried You."

21-01-07, 13:14
Hi Randy

A warm welcome aboard to you and glad you decided to post.

Hope we can be of some help to you.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

21-01-07, 13:58
hello randy,
all you explain in ya post sounds like anxiety, but personally with the trazadone i would speak with ya doc about takin them at night they usually prescribe trazidone at night so ya can sleep also...i believe i was only on 50 went to 100 had to go off it kicked my ass....hope ya have a great day.......watching the playoffs lol and if so whos the team ya going for........new england patriots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good answer........lol......... have a good one............linda[8D]

21-01-07, 18:40
Hi Randy

Welcome to the forum.

You will find a lot of help and support here.


For a moment you were with me
For a moment you were mine
Then the darkness comes and takes you far away
Before I even said goodbye

21-01-07, 20:41
hi randy

glad u joined us on this site - welcome

darkangel x

........life is for living not just for surviving

21-01-07, 20:53
Hi Randy
Welcome to this site theres a lot of good people here there are really friendly and helpful.
Take care
Anne xx