View Full Version : Worried I could of some how caught hepatitis

09-04-15, 21:14
If you have seen me post here before you know I'm worried about everything pretty much lol. I am still not feeling too good as far as my stomach/stool issues. My new worry is the possibility I coukd of some how caught hepatitis. To make this short because no one reads my long posts, I have second cousins well into their 40s and early 50s who were and still are drug abusers. Both have Hep. C and while I do not hang around them I have no idea how long they had the virus for. At one point the one cousin was sleeping outside in his car but would come in. I made sure to keep all of my stuff like soap, tooth brush, razors etc in my room. He only was here about a week and I told my mom how uncomfortable it made me. She talked to him and explained why he had to leave. I kind of felt bad but I was so worried of the possibility I could catch something. My mom was mad at me for insisting he leave too. Maybe I was in the wrong or maybe not.

It didn't help matters when back in November I found out my ALT was raised "slightly" according to my doctor. She didn't tell me the numbers and the blood work was actually done back in June. This was s new doctor and I didn't appreciate her not telling me until 6 months later so I refused to go back. I read that muscler excercise can cause it so I didn't bother worrying myself any further as I felt fine and knew I did a very intense leg workout the day before that it hurt just to walk into the lab.

Now I worry there is a chance I could of some how contacted the virus and by not knowing and drinking that I coukd of worsened it. I don't drink often and haven't drank since super bowl Sunday but in the months of Dec and Jan I did have some drinks celebrating the holidays along with my brothers birthday.