View Full Version : Help!

09-04-15, 23:16
Hi all, its been a while since I last posted.
I was doing really well managing my anxiety until a few weeks ago but lately I'm having more and more bad days.

Tonight I've had a sudden pain in my chest after an anxious but not too bad evening, I'm on the verge of a panic attack right now thinking this pain is a heart attack!!
I do feel like I have some trapped wind so I'm hoping its that but in my mind its a heart attack and I'm about to die!

I've had chest pains before always down to anxiety or some other reason, nothing serious, but still can't help worrying!

---------- Post added at 23:16 ---------- Previous post was at 22:34 ----------

The pain and panic are starting to ease now. To anyone reading this feeling the panic please remember it always passes no matter how bad you feel. Stay strong!

Dan Wales
09-04-15, 23:19
Hi from what your post says it sounds like trapped Wind and anxiety causing the pains. I hope you feel better soon.

09-04-15, 23:33
Thanks Dan, as I said I'm feeling a little better now but when you are in the moment of panic its so hard to convince yourself its normal! Thank you for your reply :hugs: