View Full Version : pain in head and waking up

10-04-15, 09:53
Morning people!
first i should explain i went threw months of hell - till about month ago i started feeling better, so 2 weeks ago i decided to wave bye bye to all anti depressants and calmers such as propanadol n diazepam, ive made alot progress but yesturday ive made turn for the worst, out of no were started feeling strange again, i had odd numbing pain in my head teeth and tingling i shook it off took some codine that was prescibed to me when i do have migranes - i dont take them often as i hate how i feel on them - i started feeling faint and out of it -This morning was the worst tho i woke up feeling numb in the face headache confused internal shaking feeling really bad dry mouth etc ...... now gone back to looking up brain tumours etc :( i really do not want to go back the way i was !! but am scared to say it looks like i am going end up doing - also noticed bit blood in my mucus last 2 days

can someone please help or shed some light as i feel alieninated atm :(

Dan Wales
10-04-15, 10:35
Hi I am sure it's the anxiety making you feel like this. Don't start looking into brain tumors it will make your anxiety levels increase. I am always looking up symptoms online and it's no good for us.

Gary A
10-04-15, 12:23
I would wager that these symptoms are either anxiety related or they're a caused by your abrupt stopping of the medications you mentioned. If you've been on them for a while and you suddenly stop, it's perfectly normal for your body to react to the sudden change. Especially given the types of drugs you were on.

Have you agreed with your doctor that you'd come off the meds? If not, I think it would be wise to tell them and let them take you off of them gradually.

10-04-15, 23:26
thank you :) my anxiety is more phyiscal then it is in my head, i can get some very nasty migrianes like today i did and made my face tingley all day :/ anxiety gripped me badly but ive spoke to docs and decided go back on as the internal shaking the unrealistic feelings i have, like earlier i felt like i didnt know what going on around me ( was on 30g/500mg x 3 of codiene and in day taken 6 or 7 to get rid the headache - clear the headache just not the phyiscal side of a migraine but thats were anxiety steps up a abit, i keep trying tell myself if i had a tumour i wouldnt felt really shit for few months then finally better and myself to then go back too feeling shit ...... i would get worst not better surely??

12-04-15, 02:20
Sounds like we had the same kind of night. My obsession is tumours also so my head is giving me grief. I think the feelings of unreality and shakiness is ten times worse at night because interrupting a sleep cycle makes you feel drowsy and out of it enough as it is without the added anxiety. But our panicking only intensifies what would otherwise be a pretty innocuous feeling. My head is always doing something at night lately since this tumour obsession kicked in again. You have to accept somehow that the anxiety is causing the feeling. Seems like numbness is pretty common with anxiety and I've found deep slow breathing will take the edge off a numb head sensation.