View Full Version : red spots

10-04-15, 13:32
iv noticed these tiny red spots on my skin just a few on my legs , tummy and back , so tiny like pin pricks some slightly bigger ...in total about 7 i guess and not all together , dont itch or anything ....
iv low iron and white blood count at the moment ...so thats already made me anxious ...wondered if anyone els gets these ..?

10-04-15, 15:04
I have them all over my arms... i have some on my chest... little pinprick red spots.

they are caused by sun exposure... fair-skinned people tend to have them. My husband also has them.

When I had my "panic" episode about them, I ran to a doctor and a derm... all was A-OK.

10-04-15, 15:19
It's hard to say- that description is a little vague. However, I know that when people find that kind of rash on themselves they worry that it's petechiae. Even if they are it's not necessarily a cause for concern; I had some on my arms and my doctor said they're "normal" unless you suddenly have a rash of thousands of them.

So unless you're getting heaps I probably wouldn't give them a second thought. They can be caused by lots of things, some as simple as scratching yourself too hard or having a hot shower.

Best wishes :)

Gary A
10-04-15, 15:29
This may be the start of a minor skin infection called pityrisis versicolor. This is caused by an overproduction of a yeast like germ on the skin. We all have it, but in some people it over multiplies and can cause either a rash of small red or white spots that gradually get bigger and in time join together to form bigger patches. It is perfectly harmless, if a bit unsightly.

Get this checked out by your GP if you're concerned, if it is pityriasis versicolor it's very easily treated by shampoos or lotions.

10-04-15, 17:27
thanks everyone , Emily i looked up on internet and got that name pop up so i looked it up and most of the scary pictures are lots of the spots in a mass , these are the odd one or 2 , scattered on my tummy and legs ..3 i can see on my back ..i googled and came up with o scary C condition...
cant let my head go there ...i trying not to ....
is petechiae linked to other non life threatening conditions does anyone know ?

11-04-15, 10:48
Yes. As I said, my doctor told me I had petechiae (definitely nothing else!) and he said they're "normal" unless in great amounts. They can be caused by heat, anything that could bruise you (even scratching), sleeping on the area funny etc. If you had an illness that caused them it's really unlikely that they'd be the first symptom. If they start to spread you should get them looked at but even then they don't mean anything bad. I had quite a lot and my doctor didn't want me to have a blood test or anything.

Best wishes :)

11-04-15, 18:07
thanks , they are not thousands of them but scattered not in clumps or together and soooo tiny , like pin prick red dots ....

wonder it they will go .....

11-04-15, 22:35
Almost everyone has these. :D don't worry about it.

12-04-15, 14:43
thanks ,but i cant seem to stop worrying about them ...

tiny pin prick dots red like blood ..scattered not in masses ....
im 42

22-05-15, 02:41
I just got over a major 3 day panic attack about these! I have them on my thighs and belly and arms. I finnaly went to the doctor today and they are defiantly Petechiae! I had a complete Cbc and everything was normal. She said they were from a combination of things like my lexapro and tanning bed. She said not to worry unless I get covered in them. So they are not always serious like Dr. Google says!

22-05-15, 09:09
Most likely nothing of consequence. But with spots I'd just get them looked at if concerned. But relax. No temperatures, not feeling unwell? Could be viral if you are.. As I said just get them checked when you can if really concerned and relax ��