View Full Version : Indigestion/heartburn - Could this be cancer?

10-04-15, 13:54
Hi everyone, over the past week or so i have been suffering a bit of indigestion which has been a little uncomfortable but thats been a little better but last night i had really bad heartburn/acid reflux and today when i have fizzy drinks then i feel the heartburn feeling. Could this be cancer? Im really freaking out, im 28 years old and dont smoke or drink. I am overweight though and the last week or so my diet hasnt been to good with easter. Any reassurance? Can anyone relate?

Please Reply
Love Louise xxxxxxxxxx

Gary A
10-04-15, 14:34
At 28 years old and a non-smoker it is very highly unlikely to be a sign of cancer. It may just simply be a bit of acid reflux or the first signs of GERD. Go to your doctor for a check up, but the chances of this being a sign of cancer are virtually zero.

29-05-15, 23:24
How is it vertically zero ?

29-05-15, 23:59
I've had GERD for 12 years, so I'm pretty sure a short bout of it is nothing to worry about.

Gary A
30-05-15, 00:37
How is it vertically zero ?

Because of her age, non-smoker or drinker also.

30-05-15, 08:34
I couldn't agree more Gary A and anyway we all get some sort of reflux or indigestion from time to time.

If there were other symptoms together with this indigestion, it might need investigating, but seriously I wouldn't worry.