View Full Version : Can't stop yawning?

10-04-15, 16:08
Hi, for the past 2 hours I have been excessively yawning even though I'm not tired at all. Is this normal? I read that it can happen if you are not getting enough oxygen and now I'm very worried

10-04-15, 16:17
I yawn all day long. It is an anxious habit for sure.

10-04-15, 16:29
I'm not feeling anxious at all though. I was feeling very calm and I just started yawning out of nowhere

10-04-15, 16:55
I get this happen sometimes. I had it terrible when I started on the Sertraline, I literally couldn't stop.

Dan Wales
10-04-15, 16:57
It could be a side effect from medicine your taking.

10-04-15, 17:19
I'm taking Zoloft, but I haven't taken it in a few days because I need to get it refilled

10-04-15, 19:20
If you find that you're forcing yawns, you're actually causing your Carbon Dioxide / Oxygen levels to go off, which will make you feel like you need to keep yawning to catch your breath. I find that even if my anxiety level is low, if it was high at some point and I was "sighing" alot or taking deep breaths or yawns .... it almost becomes habit ... then I just keep yawning and forcing yawns...

When you do this, you actually may even experience symptoms like "tingling hands, light headed feeling"... my doctor told me it's like you're hyperventilating but not in a dramatic way.

10-04-15, 20:19
Breathe in for 3 seconds, out for 5. Hopefully that should help regulate your breathing.

As that is what is causing the yawns.

10-04-15, 20:30
I take sertraline and I constantly yawn I read this medication can make you yawn a lot lol Im sat here writing this yawning my head off I wouldn't worry to much xxxx

11-04-15, 00:44
Thanks for all the replies. Could it be happening because I'm thinking about it subconsciously? It's still happening and has been all day, although it went away for a couple of hours.

11-04-15, 09:40
Are you doing it when you are distracted? Say driving, doing physical exercise etc?

11-04-15, 23:27
Yes it happens all the time, even when I'm distracted. Could it be from the Zoloft even though it's never had that effect on me and I haven't taken it in a couple days?