View Full Version : Hayfever!

10-04-15, 18:01
Its coming to that time of year again and I am starting to feel some symptoms already, probably down the recent warm weather speeding up the Hayfever train.

Anyone else suffering with any symptoms yet?

My Hayfever started the same year that my Anxiety did about 3 years ago, there was probably something going on with my immune system. It has gotten worse every year since, last year was the worst I had ever had it, it was unbearable. Even staying indoors doesn't help, as the pollen gets inside and cant escape so theres no relief there.

I am going to get some local honey to see if that helps at all. I bought an air purifier last year but that didn't seem to make much difference. I have the normal medications you get from the chemist but they hardly make a difference either and I prefer not to take those if possible.

Anyone managed to find any natural remedy that's has actually helped there Hayfever? What are your plans for dealing with it this year? Last year I literally ended up sitting with a dust mask on, not exactly ideal haha.

10-04-15, 19:05
We basically live in a bowl. There are mountains all around us so the pollen collects in large amounts. At it's worst, you can literally write your name in the yellow dust that collects on the cars!

I've always had allergies. And yes, they sure can make you miserable at times. For the most part, they went away in adulthood. However, when I moved to the Valley, it was like a bomb went off in my sinuses ~lol~ The same thing happened to my wife when she moved here. We have success using OTC allergy meds. She takes a generic Zyrtec and I take a generic Claritin. It definitely helps.

Of course there are natural remedies like apple cider vinegar etc but overall, one little pill once a day and the occasional nasal spray does the trick.

Positive thoughts and a box of tissues ;)

10-04-15, 19:50
There is a honey from NZ that is supposed to boost the immune system. It comes from the mountains away from any chemicals and herbicides. It is expensive.
Manuka honey. I don't know if it helps hay fever. I don't have hay fever or any allergies except nurses, too many of them sticking needles in my butt.

10-04-15, 23:10
I have taken pretty much all of the OTC meds going, none of them do anything for me when the hayfever gets really bad, I used to take double recommended dosage antihistamines and they still had little to no affect.

Im hoping for some magical cure from a natural remedy but its unlikely.

11-04-15, 08:16
I used to take an antihistamine and I found they were ok as long as you didn't go back outside afterwards because they seemed not too work as well then, but in the house or at work they helped.

I also tried a nasal one, Beconase, which is ok. It works in the right area and can be used more often which is better for me because of the issue I mentioned above, but it is a bit messy.

I find keeping nasal hair free also helps. It is only itchy then when the strubble starts regrowing like with all hair growth but that soon goes away.

The best solution I found was about 6-7+ years ago. I bought one of those infra red devices from Lloyds. You only use it for about 3 minutes a couple of times a day. I found that after using it for a week or so, my symptoms calmed down a lot.

Since then I have found I don't get hayfever much at all each year, unless it is very high and then its not much unlike years ago when I would be streaming! Some years I haven't even used the IR device and been fine.

Its easily the best solution I have found though. If you buy one in the pharmacy they will likely ask if you have any issues with sensitive skin in your nose as you can't use them with that.

Also, my GP told me many years ago that the OTC's only have the same in them as the cheap generics they prescribe so it can pay to get a repeat prescription as the OTC's are very expensive. You can get cheaper brands now though if you shop around and they aren't too bad but the ones advertised on the TV for the tablets are something like 7 days for more than the prescription charge (or they were a few years back at least).

11-04-15, 12:33
I've heard probiotics have been quite promising in reducing allergies in people with them. I can't remember if that was only for food allergies, though.

If your allergies are really bad, you could look into immunology treatment, which I think is most effective for people with hayfever type allergies.

11-04-15, 12:46
Good point, Emily.

I recall something like that and if was specific strains that were used, not the kind you get it commercial yogurt products.

I think if might have been for more than food allergies. There are studies emerging of how probiotics address linked to the brain and can be involved in mood health.

We think of them add being in the gut but that's not true because they start in your mouth and end at, well, the exit. :blush::D

11-04-15, 13:03
I know that non-pathogenic E.coli was linked to a lower incidence of allergies in kids. The probiotics you buy at a chemist (supplement rather than the yoghurt stuff) are probably good to go, or you could look into supplements for allergies. Again, I'm not sure that they work for seasonal allergies.

12-04-15, 06:38
I've heard about then local honey thing. I think it also helps to eat local farm fruit & veg as isn't it linked to the pesticides?

I know I felt mine slightly last week along with some itchy skin which I reckon was due to the sudden warmer weather. I often find my asthma is worse for a week or two when the seasons change between cold/warm and vice versa.

16-04-15, 22:59
Its only mid April, im indoors, sneezing, itchy eyes, nose completely blocked. Oh this is going to be a fun summer lol.

17-04-15, 01:00
I'm feeling your pain guys... thankfully it hits me around this time and usually goes by mid summer... but I hate it regardless. Anyone else finds that it really makes them feel drained? I have no energy when I have a bad attack of hay fever.

17-04-15, 09:19
I've found some years that this happens to me for a few days and then it goes away again for ages until the normal time appears.

So, don't lose hope!

17-04-15, 15:13
I hope that is the case mate. I remember last year it started a lot later than this for me and was the worst id ever had it but only was that severe for about a month. I just hope its not going to be like this from now until the end of the summer, in fact im sure there's worse to come yet lol.

I get it as bad if not worse indoors which is what really annoys me because it stops me from being able to sleep properly.

17-04-15, 18:22
Symptoms usually kick in for me around May/June, but yes I have been getting itchy eyes and my dry, annoying cough has returned.

17-04-15, 22:14
Could do you anything about air quality and dust in your house? Or cut down on any pet hair issues?

17-04-15, 22:17
Could do you anything about air quality and dust in your house? Or cut down on any pet hair issues?

I have an air purifier it seems to do NOTHING. I don't have any of these issues any other time of the year so it has to be hayfever right?

17-04-15, 22:19
Yeah. I find I am more sensitive to existing issues that would not normally cause a problem. The histamine is more active than normal.

I think that's why IR is so helpful as it blocks it.

17-04-15, 22:21
Yeah. I find I am more sensitive to existing issues that would not normally cause a problem. The histamine is more active than normal.

I think that's why IR is so helpful as it blocks it.


17-04-15, 22:26
Infra red.

They are small box shaped units with batteries inside and wires leading to two prongs that you insert up your nose for about 3 minutes a couple of times a day.

This worked for me far better than pills and sprays. I have more years now where I have little or no hayfever.

17-04-15, 22:29
Oh those things. I have an Infra red lamp but I cant exactly get that up my nose I dont think lol. My nose is the main issue more than eyes or throat at the moment so I might I have try one of those. Will see if I can find a cheap one online.

17-04-15, 23:07
It needs to get right up there and the IR lights are right on the end.

Histamine being the reaction to the allergen, blocking it seems smart to me, its more direct.

I think they are usually £10-15.

I was skeptical at first but it really helped. I found that they help quickly but the more time you've used it, the better it seems to help.

The bulbs are tiny but they will light a room up :D

Remember that scene in Total Recall where Arnie is pulling that bug out of his nose and it looks like his nice is transparent? It looks like that in the dark... but not worth the bulging nostril :D

17-04-15, 23:12
Haha yea it sounds to good to be true. I am looking for one on ebay/Amazon now, should be able to get one for around a tenner as you said. Lets hope it helps because nothing else has so far.

18-04-15, 04:52
And as a bonus you can go more energy efficient since if you switch the lights off in a dark room, your nose will become a lamp shade that could easily double up as a booklamp! :winks::D

18-04-15, 14:32
Cheers Terry I will bear that in mind ;)

Could not sleep last night. I don't have hayfever "attacks" as many people call them, it is just non stop with no relief at all, its really running me down putting me in a bad way and theres nothing I can do about it at the moment.

19-04-15, 17:59
And as a bonus you can go more energy efficient since if you switch the lights off in a dark room, your nose will become a lamp shade that could easily double up as a booklamp! :winks::D

Managed to get one of those red light therapy allergy relievers off Ebay for a fiver. Its second hand, so its probably been up someone elses nose but im desperate lol. Haven't exactly got the money to be spending either. I will have to give it a good clean before I use it.

How long do the effects usually last after using it? Hope it works.

20-04-15, 06:47
I used mine twice a day, upon waking and then late at night. I found I was good for the whole day with just some sniffles but it didn't feel like it was really coming on so no sneezing and no runny/sore eye issues.

I did have one year where I was a bit worse than normal for about 3 weeks in total (it wasn't constant, this was just the start & end of that period) because the pollen was really high and I had been walking through forests. I used a Beconase nasal thing once a day after returning when it was coming on. Other than that, it has been nothing-to-manageable every year.

You sound worse than me though so I hope it works or at least helps reduce it for you.

Do you look up your pollen cycles? Such as which times of the day the spores are launched?

The plastic prongs should be seeled and they are like moulded plugs so only the lightbulb end might have a thin rim. It should be easy to get some dettol on them.

Failing that, how about...


...:winks::D seriously, thats a product for Hayfever in Japan! :roflmao:

20-04-15, 17:08
Cheers Terry.

"Do you look up your pollen cycles? Such as which times of the day the spores are launched?" Yep I do but it literally makes no difference, I guess it is slightly worse early in the morning and I wake up with it but it is a constant thing all day every day. Im not even sure which type of pollen I am allergic too as my hayfever didn't start until July last year and this year its already here.

Haha that thing from Japan is probably the only solution, I was actually walking around with a dust mask on the other day but not exactly very comfortable to have that over your nose and mouth all day lol. To add to the infra red allergy reliever I have also ordered some homoeopath tablets for hayfever as well as getting some local honey, I will also get acupuncture once I have some money. So I am going all out lol.

Its the sleep that's the main issue, it stops me from sleeping properly which then has a knock on affect to everything else including anxiety.

21-04-15, 04:42
It can be a miserable time. Its like a 3 month cold for some people. I used to wish the summer away and love the autumn but thesedays I don't have too many problems.

I'm sure I read that eating local farm produce (fruits, vegs or maybe both) can help due to the type of pesticides being used that year which contribute to this problem. It might be worth checking out as its along the same lines as the honey option.

You will probably have multiple ones then since some tree pollens are still at their peak in April and grass starts a bit later plus there is the crop ones
which are similiar to grass.

You can also get those salves that you put under your nostrils which are supposed to attract the pollen. I don't know what they are like though.

Just make sure you take your facemask off before you go into the Post Office! :winks::D If I wore one of those around my area I would no doubt be getting stopped by the plods a lot! :nicked:

21-04-15, 04:48
If you stay in the house the mosquitoes don't get you. Only the female sucks blood, the male has to survive on pollen.

21-04-15, 05:42
Only the female sucks blood

I'm saying nothing...:whistles::winks::D