View Full Version : Excessive crying

10-04-15, 23:46
I am young, only 17 and suffer with panic attacks and anxiety issues. I'm currently on medication that is reducing the amount of attacks I get weekly as well as reducing physical effects such as sweating and shaking. I get these because of exams and how much pressure I am under from teachers because I don't want to let anybody down as well as myself.
Everyday I get panicky and cry thinking about school or school work several times everyday. My first exam is in 4 weeks and I am no where near ready for it. I know it is not the end of the world but can anyone please give me some coping strategies or advice because I don't know how long I can keep this up for :weep:

18-04-15, 00:00
You need to let someone know how you're feeling, if that be a teacher or family member. I know you said it yourself but exams are not worth your health, i would suggest maybe jotting down exactly what it is your anxious about and why, do this everyday and come back to it, see if your still anxious about that particular problem or worry, if all your anxiety is based on your exams then you need to try and take a step back, deep breath and look at the bigger picture.

Are you being pressured or feeling pressure from a certain person to do well? If so let them know how you feel, honestly you will feel much better for getting it off your chest :)