View Full Version : fast heart rate !!

11-04-15, 00:36
So ive been going threw a lot of anxitey and panic lately. .well about a week ago my heart rate shot up to 170 bpm.scared ne bad so i went to emergency room they said it was anxitey..ive suffered with fast heart rate fir 20 years so its not new but the 170 is new for me i even had burning in chest and down both arms after a few munites it pasted and went away..ive had lots of 24 hour moniter and ekgs and echo and chest xrays...my resting heart rate is sometimes 60-90 but its been staying around 120 just sitting its scaring me bad i just went to heart doc today and ge saud ekg was fine but is sending me off for a stress test on a treadmill which scares me vad to have ...anyone ever had heart go this fast 170 180 for no reason

12-04-15, 22:03
Yup, I've had my heart over 190 bpm with anxiety. I also convinced myself it went to 170 instantly, when in fact a monitor I was wearing showed it was actually a gradual increase.

I've also had it stay at 120 for a long time. Thinking about it can keep the heart rate surprisingly high. The heart seems to have moods where it can be very easy to make it stay fast. Oddly, I find drinking cool water helps get it out of that mood.

If your heart slows down gradually and not instantly, then it's almost always anxiety. Physical heart problems tend to start and stop suddenly, anxiety climbs and falls over time.