View Full Version : colon cancer? health anxiety is back...

11-04-15, 11:29
I haven't posted since last year when I was going through quite a bad time. I have been diagnosed with endometriosis and chronic fatigue syndrome after all my issues. I also had treatment for a high grade abnormal smear. As you can imagine my health anxiety was sky high at that time but after I was given the reasons for all of my symptoms, my HA seemed to die down for a while and I could concentrate on dealing with my health issues.
Now my HA is back and this time i'm sick with worry about colon cancer. I have had a sigmoidoscopy, where they look at the first part of your bowel, about 12 months ago. All they found was some redness but that came back as normal, and internal piles. I am now having weird symptoms, feeling like I haven't been to the loo when I have, some bleeding sometimes, pain and going more often. I know rationally that this could all be to do with the piles the doc found but somehow this feels different. I can't get out of my head that I have colon or bowel cancer. I have been to my docs at least once a week in the past few weeks about various different things, but haven't mentioned this issue. I am embarrassed because even the receptionist knows my name now and I feel like they don't want to refer me to any specialists any more. I just don't know where to go from here. I am definitely in more pain now than before and all I can think is that this time I have got cancer but my doc wont take me seriously. Has anyone got any tips on how to cope? I'm not really sure what I want to get out of this post but I am driving myself crazy :unsure:

11-04-15, 22:58
I had all of these symptoms it was colitis - but VERY mild...

go to your doctor and demand a colonscopy, it is the only way to know...

if you are under 50 your chances are slim!



11-04-15, 23:15
What symtoms do you have? Are your stools normal size? You said blood how often? Is it in the stool itself or on the toilet paper? I currently have the same worry as you can see in my thread on the first page.

11-04-15, 23:25
Hi JustJoe,

The size of your stool is irrelevant, I had any stool you can imagine and I still do. I had stools marbled with blood. It was colitis.

You need to have a colonoscopy, this will put your mind at ease... I had this same fear for 6 months, I was convinced. But I was fine in the end.

Are you losing weight excessively? My friend has colon cancer and she lost weight ( an incredible amount) and was using the washroom 30 times a day.

Please message me if you need support,

If it is blood on your tissue it could be a fisher or a hemroid. If the blood is mixed in, it could be a polyp or colitis or crohns

You are likely okay.

Best wishes,


11-04-15, 23:42

It doesn't matter about the size/shape of your stools. That "blockage" theory is plain rubbish, with no evidence to back it up.

Toby :)

11-04-15, 23:58
Toby- I agree- rubbish! :)

11-04-15, 23:59
Thanks for the replies I guess I won't worry too much about the size. Sometimes it feels like I have the urge to go but only very little comes out. The blood has only been on the toilet paper to my knowledge. It'll usually come and go. For example if I see blood on the paper it'll almost always be on the first wipe then I won't get blood for days or even weeks again. It's always been bright red blood.

I know it probably sounds silly to most but I worry I could have colon cancer and that it could of spread to a near by organ such as my liver. Liver has been another one of my HA fears. :( the reason for this is my appetite has been poor, my palms seem redder than I remember, and the tiny visable blue vein I have on my stomach that I have no idea what it's from.

12-04-15, 00:20

You are clearly REALLY anxious! Do not worry about red palms and such. I have lots of very blue veins.

I also had that urge to go thing, it might be because your rectum is swollen which makes you feel like you have to go. ... i had this and colitis as i have told you!

bright red blood on toilet paper - GREAT news - means hemroid.

you have ibs and hemroids in my opinion!

12-04-15, 01:28

You are clearly REALLY anxious! Do not worry about red palms and such. I have lots of very blue veins.

I also had that urge to go thing, it might be because your rectum is swollen which makes you feel like you have to go. ... i had this and colitis as i have told you!

bright red blood on toilet paper - GREAT news - means hemroid.

you have ibs and hemroids in my opinion!

Haha thanks for the reply this has helped me to feel a little better. :)