View Full Version : Family

11-04-15, 13:01
So basically my friends and my family are all over me telling me I'm depressed and that I need help, but I don't think I am. They keep talking about it and pressing me to accept it and won't stop labelling me.
How do I tell them that I don't think I am depressed (they won't listen), and even if I am, how do I tell them to stop pressuring me. I am not in the right place to deal with it now, and I need some space to think.
Thanks guys x

11-04-15, 13:40
Why do they think you're depressed ?

12-04-15, 08:54
I have little blips every now and then when I just randomly cry for no reason. And my self esteem is really low, like I hate going out in public in case I see someone I know. And obviously I'm stressed out because of exams coming up.
But there's nothing other than that really. I just think it's normal *shrug*

17-04-15, 22:22
Ok well you know yourself better than anyone. If it's not depression what is it ? Telling them what it IS may help get them off your back.

Avoiding friends, random crying outbursts, why ? :)

20-04-15, 14:09
Do you think it's just anxiety causing this? If so, tell them.

There is also a possibility of being depressed and not knowing/being in denial; I was this way for a little while. Please consider that, in case it is true for you.

Perhaps for now you could tell them that your anxiety causes you low mood occasionally (which it very likely does)?