View Full Version : Breast pain - Very scared

11-04-15, 14:56
I have left sided breast pain, feels like its more the muscles around the breast, feels like its burning.
Really panicking and scared, know that breast cancer does not usually cause pain.
I am 51.
Know that its likely to be muscular , plus I keep checking breast for lumps, cannot feel any.
Has anyone had this ??

11-04-15, 15:15
Hi, ive had breast pain and I know how worrying it is. But you're right it rarely presents with pain. Could it be hormonal changes? its good you check for lumps I really struggle to do this as I worry I might find something and freak out. Are there any other changes? If not, I think the "reasonable" thing to do would be to leave it for a week or two and if still there, then go to the doctors. I think thats what someonewithout ha would do.

Space xxx

11-04-15, 15:30
Thank you for your reply , I am trying to be rational about this !!
I went through my menopause in my early forties, so I know its not hormonal.
How long did your pain last for ?

11-04-15, 21:48
I've had breast pain last for 2-3 weeks. It would hurt when I leant forward and stabbed for a while. I did go to my gp in the end who said it was hormonally related. I'd gained some weight quickly which was probably why it hurt. Hope it gets better soon. Xxx

11-04-15, 22:46
I was going thru this last week I'm 29 was having sharp pains in the side of by right breast I had to actually grab it That's how sharp the pains were. After about two days it subsided

11-04-15, 23:02
I get it most of the time i am 50 completed menopause 5 years ago and i experience pain in right breast quite often for me it is all hormonal changes .

12-04-15, 01:51
I've had the same thing. I am 39. I think part of it is hormonal and with me it is always on the left side/ muscles/spine. Actually i used to freak out a couple years ago thinking it was something sinister but now I have a chiropractor and it works. Try stretches. Also i know that caffeine and alcohol affects hormones. Maybe ask your doctor to check your hormone levels. I know that there are some natural treatments that apparently help with deficiencies.

15-04-15, 07:54
i think you have to check your problem from best health care specialist.

17-04-15, 19:03
My breast pain is getting worse. It's s burning pain . I do not have any swelling or redness but i have convinced myself i have inflammatory cancer. Have gp appointment but not until may. Why did i google. Very scared..

17-04-15, 19:20

I have not actually experienced your exact symptoms but know exactly how you feel. I have spent the last 30 years finding what my husband calls 'imaginary lumps', sometimes running off to the doctor and even being sent to the hospital. The last time I was so scared I ended up paying £250 to go privately but it was worth it. May seems a long time to keep you waiting . Is it within 2 weeks? I thought they had to send you within that time frame. This may sound daft and I don't know exactly where your pain is but could it be a combination of breast pain and heartburn, due to the intense anxiety?
Don't suppose I have been much help but I rally felt for you and wanted to say something.
I am currently having gyny worries and have posted under female problems but no reply yet. This is on top of the breast fears but I am calmer than I was a couple of weeks ago (at the moment). I am 63 by the way and feel very old compared to most on this site.:hugs:

Gary A
17-04-15, 20:39
My breast pain is getting worse. It's s burning pain . I do not have any swelling or redness but i have convinced myself i have inflammatory cancer. Have gp appointment but not until may. Why did i google. Very scared..

Redness and swelling would be the most prominent symptom, the burning pain would only be present if the swelling were there. You can't have one without the other. The swelling and redness is caused by the blockage of lymph drainage from the breast, this in turn causes the burning sensation. You don't have swelling or redness, therefore there is clearly no blockage. Logic would then dictate that without a blockage, there would be no pain.

That must surely mean that your pain is not caused by inflammatory breast cancer, wouldn't you say?

26-04-15, 23:07
Breast pain is really bad today.
Have Drs appointment on the 6th May.
Still really scared its cancer.
It's so painful , it must be cancer !!!

26-04-15, 23:20
Hi again,

So sorry things are not better. Can you really not get an appointment till 6th May. That seems so long for you to be anxious. Not that I think you have cancer; I don't think that pain would be the first thing you would experience. Just worried about you having peace of mind. I think Gary's advice is sound.:hugs:

09-05-15, 11:32
Couldn't face appointment , now have one for 20th may. Still getting left sided breast pain. I wish I had kept my appointment!. I know I've asked this before, but has anyone had breast pain that has not been cancer.
I know pain is not really a symptom of breast cancer.
So scared still..

09-05-15, 11:51
I was told yesterday it's normal and hormonal. Cancer isn't painful. If you don't have any lumps don't worry.

09-05-15, 13:12
Yes I have. I'm 31. Turns out to be hormonal & muscular for me. The burning feeling lasted a while. The other person who said about the swelling & pain is right. My dr said the first sign of inflammatory b.c is usually swelling & rash on the breast not pain. Please try not to panic x

17-05-15, 13:34
Have appointment on Wednesday for left side breast pain. Have cancelled two appointments already so I must go this time.
Breast still tender and painful, although no lump or changes.
Scared beyond belief !

17-05-15, 20:19
Hi pb - please dont cancel your appointment again! Your mind won't be put at rest until you've seen your GP... I hope your not stressing too much. Let us know how you get on after your appointment :)

18-05-15, 14:58
I was told my a breast specialist that it's very common for women to have pain in their left breast rather than their right one. I started having pain in my left breast a year ago. When I press on my right it does hurt a bit but nowhere near the same as my left. I've heard it's something to do with the nerves in the body, you generally feel things more down your left side. I've found this to be true with period and IBS pain as well. Hope your appt goes ok :)

18-05-15, 15:25
^ Thank you so much for that!

I've been having pain when I press along the left edge of my breast for awhile and it's really bugging me - same as you where it hurts more on the left than the right. I don't feel any lumps and neither do my doctors. I guess it's just one of those crazy body things that just happens.

18-05-15, 18:11
Thank you for your replies.
I feel terrified. Have now convinced myself that I have missed a lump that the GP will find on Wednesday and this is causing pain.
I have checked myself and could not feel any lumps, plus pain moves around breast.
Why can't I be rational!!!

18-05-15, 21:32
I know exactly how you feel- I'm waiting to get moles checked and I'm convinced there's something wrong. ive been trying to keep myself busy until my appointment this week. You must try and remember that the doctor will have seen many women with breast issues and will only want to help. You know your breasts better than anyone so you will be able to feel a lump. The doc might refer you to a breast clinic for a check if you say how worried you are but even this doesn't mean there's something wrong, it's just for your peace of mind. Let us know how you get on! :)

20-05-15, 19:01
Had my Drs appointment this morning, managed to go.
Dr checked breasts throughly and said they were easy to check and that there were no lumps, no need to be referred to breast clinic.
Thinks the pain may be muscular.
Feel very relieved and very lucky.

20-05-15, 20:47
Hooray! So pleased for you. Well done for going too.:D

23-05-15, 00:39
After getting ok from Dr, I have discussed 2 small lumps on my breast, there on the skin and not in the breast.
Trying to tell myself that there probably spots or irritation., but I'm really scared again.

23-05-15, 00:48
I do just the same as you. Saw the GP for my usual check-up on Tuesday and have still checked them several times since then. However, it is easier to think rationally when it is someone else and my GP has told me that nothing can possibly come up that quickly. You must be okay if you only went Wednesday. Spots on the skin are fine; it will be right inside the flesh if cancer. Remember only to check with the flat of your hand too.:)

23-05-15, 12:18
Checked breast again. The lump is superficial , small and on skin, not in breast tissue, but still terrified.
Have appointment to go back to Drs in 4 weeks.
I'm scared its cancer , although rationally I know it probably isn't.
So scared and keep checking which isn't helping ..

23-05-15, 20:04
Feel so panicky about all this.
The lump is tiny and on the skin!
Just keep checking but trying not to.

23-05-15, 21:18
I know how you feel. If you can leave it alone for a couple of hours the panic sometimes subsides a bit. It really does not sound serious.

23-05-15, 21:23
Thank you for your reply.
I'm trying not to keep looking :)

26-05-15, 21:40
Here I go again !
Under arm felt itchy today, so when I scratched I felt a very small lump.
So of course keep constantly checking it. It's in my left breast.
I can only feel it with my arm down, when I put my arm above head it goes.
Thinking the worse, especially as I have had breast pain in left breast. Can anyone help..

26-05-15, 21:48
Here I go again !
Under arm felt itchy today, so when I scratched I felt a very small lump.
So of course keep constantly checking it. It's in my left breast.
I can only feel it with my arm down, when I put my arm above head it goes.
Thinking the worse, especially as I have had breast pain in left breast. Can anyone help..

Had my Drs appointment this morning, managed to go.
Dr checked breasts throughly and said they were easy to check and that there were no lumps, no need to be referred to breast clinic.
Thinks the pain may be muscular.
Feel very relieved and very lucky.

There you go. That's the best reassurance you can get. It's up to you to believe it.

Positive thoughts

26-05-15, 22:13
Sounds just like me! I dread scratching anywhere near boobs. I think if you can only feel it a certain way it could be a muscle moving. I get caught out by that a lot. If you are still worried is your GP approachable? Mine is brilliant and. as long as she in surgery, she will see me. Trouble is she only works two days a week. However, she also says that nothing can appear in a weeks so, as it is less than a week since you went, you should be okay.:hugs:

27-05-15, 07:02
Thank you for your reply.
I will go back to GP, have appointment in 3 weeks.
I remember feeling something similar a few years ago , it was just breast tissue, I'm sure it wouldn't disappear when I put my arm up if it was anything serious.
Constantly worrying about breast cancer is a new anxiety for me and it's really frightening.
I hope your doing ok.

27-05-15, 09:46
Not too bad at the moment thank you but had a bad day on Monday. I do know just how you feel and I have been like this about breasts for a long time so do feel free to message me whenever you want. All the best.

04-08-15, 13:27
Breast pain on left side still keeps coming and going.
No lumps, but it's been a few months now.
Going to go back to GP, feeling dreadful and soo stressed at the moment.
Has anyone had recurring breast pain over quite a few months ..

04-08-15, 14:16
Yes I get the weird burning plus sharp pains on & off in my right side usually but past few months it has been the left side. It worries me loads but 2 dr's have told me its hormonal & if it comes & goes it's nothing bad. Cancer doesn't usually hurt & it definitely doesn't come & go. They also told me to check my breasts once a month & not to poke around looking for lumps several times a day which I do when I have the pain. I'm sure all is ok but I understand your anxiety completely

04-08-15, 15:08
Thank you for your reply, your comments have helped.