View Full Version : Now worried I coukd have colon cancer :(

11-04-15, 18:32
Most people know I recently had a fear of pancreatic cancer which given my age (27) I think most here thought I was crazy to even think that. Well now my fear is colon cancer. I am not really experiencing diarrhea much anymore which I'm proud of. My stools are now mostly back to being solid however not the snake style solid. They are still pretty thin and yesterday I went to the bathroom 3 times after dinner within a few hours. All smaller less formed stools but solid. The worry is mostly that when wiping I found a tiny tiny bit of blood on the toilet paper. Like a dot. That was the first bowel movement after dinner. The blood was not there any other time I wiped including the two bowelments that followed later last night. In total yesterday I had 5 bowel movements all smaller but solid.

This morning I did not wake up with a stomach ache :) stomach aches have been common for me to wake up with in the last month or more. This week I been either waking up with a mild stomach ache that is relieved after I have a BM or no stomach ache. My stomach still makes growling sounds though in the morning. I also came across sn srticle about anemia and visable veins accidently. While I'm not too worried about my veins anymore I do wonder if my bowel movements are causing an anemia of sorts. I do not have the other symtoms though, except for fatigue but it's hard for me to say if I'm fatigued or if anxiety is draining me. The only vein worry I still have is the tiny stomach one which no one can explain except "it's a vein" okay but why does no one else have one visable like that?

Thanks for listening to me vent. I am just so worried and scared I want to be able to live my life to the fullest with my fiancée. We are moving in together within a year and all I keep worrying about is what if I don't get that experience to live our lives together, get married and have children like we discussed? Okay now I feel upset. Thanks for listening to me vent if you got this far.

11-04-15, 22:56

I suffered with this fear for 6 months, that is how long it took to get a colonscopy - which is the best way to calm this fear!

I had blood in my stools, diarrhoea and constitipation. It ended up being colitis, caused by anxiety - as I irritated my colon somehow - by stressing...

You don't have colon cancer, you haven't had any red flag symptoms... I also have anemia and I still don't have colon cancer.

you could have IBS - common in anxious people, colitis, crohns ec.

if you start losing weight and have blood in your stool, you can start to worry but not very much. My friend has colon cancer and she was dedicating 30 times a day and lost allot of weight.

Please message me if you need to,



---------- Post added at 21:56 ---------- Previous post was at 21:53 ----------

Sorry, I forgot to mention, if the blood is on your toilet paper it ISN'T colon cancer, it is blood from the rectum likely a Fischer or a simple hemroid. Colon cancer or colitis would cause blood mixed in the stool (marble appearance)



11-04-15, 23:26

Thanks for the response. What were the red flag symtoms? I haven't noticed any blood in my stool just on the toilet paper. My brother has mild colitis so it's very possible. I also thought IBS and it still might be but I read that blood isn't common with IBS though I believe it can cause hemmeriods. I do feel I lost some weight but I do workout regularly and haven't had a big appetite.

I worry of colon cancer and worry even more if I could have it and it could of spread to a nearby organ such as my liver. I know it might sound silly but the liver has been another HA fear of mine. :(

12-04-15, 00:15
Hi Joe,

Red flag symptoms are basically blood mixed in stool and loss of weight. I am not talking about like 5 pounds, my friend was overweight and she lost like 30-40 pounds - noticeable.

I had blood in my stools (marbled) and I was still okay, how old are you? Despite what you read the chances of having a late stage colon cancer in your 20-30s is RARE. It takes 5 years for polyps to turn into cancer...

Please do not worry!

is there something preventing you from a colonoscopy? If your worried it is worth it.

Do not worry, I have a feeling that you are okay.


12-04-15, 00:20
Been there, even had a colonoscopy.

No loose stools/diarrhea, no blood in stool, no weight loss= no Colon Cancer.

I had blood in stool and iron deficiency plus loose stools but I was fine, did not even have a polyp. I'm sure you're experiencing IBS and anxiety, nothing else :)

12-04-15, 00:45

I'm 27 years old. My family doesn't have a history of colon cancer but my dad did have a colostomy bag in his 30s where he had surgery. My brother has ulcerative colitis. My mom and I both have GERD. Family history of cancer but that is breast and lung.

I am just afraid of the doctors lol. I know it's not the right approach but I fear what they could find, I fear the procedure, possible complications etc.


Thanks I hope you are right about IBS/Anxiety. I have had diarrhea and loose stool. Blood not in the stool only on the paper though I read you could have blood in the stool and not know it. No severe weight loss I think myself or my family would of noticed it. My aunt did say a few weeks ago it looked like I lost some weight but I don't think a major amount otherwise I think my family would of told me.

12-04-15, 00:58
You would also look sick, pale, others would have thought something was wrong. Also, yes occult blood is a possibility but it would change the color of the stool, it would appear darker.
Do you have anemia? Have you had a blood test? I had low Ferritin which freaked me out at the time but it was due to the lack of iron in my diet. I'm not really a meat eater. I took iron tablets and my ferritin went up to normal range in two months.

Also, loose stools wouldn't come and go if you had something sinister going on.

12-04-15, 01:38
You would also look sick, pale, others would have thought something was wrong. Also, yes occult blood is a possibility but it would change the color of the stool, it would appear darker.
Do you have anemia? Have you had a blood test? I had low Ferritin which freaked me out at the time but it was due to the lack of iron in my diet. I'm not really a meat eater. I took iron tablets and my ferritin went up to normal range in two months.

Also, loose stools wouldn't come and go if you had something sinister going on.

Thanks for the reply PopeJoan. I had a CBC back in June. Didn't find out until November (yeah I dropped that doc). My vitamin D was low but she didn't mention anything about. B12. I do take a men's multi vitamin which I know is high in B vitamins. The doctor also said my ALT was raised "slightly" but didn't tell me the numbers. I know musculsr exercise can cause the raise. I had a heavy leg workout the day before my blood work. That was the start of my HA though, at least as far as my liver is concerned.

I don't know if I have anemia but I read online some people had visable veins from anemia. I do not get dizzy or have headaches or anything. I did get tingling in my hands and feet but that was like 3 months ago. Lasted about a week.

12-04-15, 01:43
I think your doctor would have told you if you had anemia. I didn't have anemia but had very low ferritin levels which could be seen as a symptom of colon cancer but I was fine in the end.

Try not to be obsessed with your stools. Anxiety is evil, I showed most of the symptoms of colon cancer when I was scared of it and they all disappeared after I had my colonoscopy.

Those stories you might be reading are rare, you would know if there was something sinister going on in your body.

12-04-15, 02:10

You need to have a colonscopy, there is nothing to fear but fear itself. The fact of the matter is colon cancer is treatable in the beginning - infact VERY treatable... so you neglect for the doctor is irrational, if you even have a small polyp you need to find out and get it removed!

My friend had stage three and is doing very well - better than catching it at stage 4.

For me, it helped to read stories of colon cancer survivors ( there are allot of them)

I am not implying that you have colon cancer- I think the opposite, but like Joan, my symptoms subsided once I had my colonscopy...

Best wishes,


12-04-15, 17:30
Lilly thanks for the replies. I may go forward with the colonoscopy but I gotta find a doctor. This morning I woke up with a bit of a panic attack. I toss and turned a lot in my sleep. As I mentioned my liver is one of my biggest HA fears. Anyways I ended up rolling on my right side and when I woke up I thought my right side felt bigger than my left. I started worrying that my liver might of gotten larger or maybe there is a tumor. Now I'm awake and it doesn't seem to feel any bigger than the left side but I'm not laying down anymore. Sorry if this sounds silly to some but I needed an outlet to vent.

31-05-17, 09:55
I am turning 20 this year, and i suspect i have cancer.. i recently went to a doctor earlier in the month to check on my hemorrhoids, she said i have internal piles and it has prolapse. So she treated me temporarily with medicine to let it strink. But my piles are still hanging there. ( this is not the point )
Recently,i found stuff in my stools but i am not sure if its blood i am afraid and there is some pain and burning when pooping ..... And like i do have problems shitting food that arent digested like, vegetables , tomatoes skins and small pieces of carrots..
I am having a study week at home and i have been very worried about my intestines. I kept googling about colon cancer, i don't have family history or anything. I am overweight but a vegan. Sometimes i feel breathless and a little dizzy and i am worried af. I dont always feel like eating. I keep checking on my lower eyelid to see if i am anaemic.

31-05-17, 14:58
Nobody digests insoluble fiber so it is very normal to have vegetables, skins etc in your stool.

01-06-17, 13:52
I was fine just now and ytd , but when i went to the toilet to try to poop. It came our a very short and thin and theres a layer of fresh blood on the surface on my poop and it was painful when pushing. I dont know if it is due to my hemorrhoid piles or cancer:( i am reviewing a doctor tml but i am very afraid