View Full Version : new!!!help!!!

05-09-04, 11:03
Hello I'm new and wish I had found this site earlier!!! I have been suffering from general anxiety and depression for 10 years. I'm OK most of the time but have blips. The last time I was off work for 3 months. I am a teacher and after forcing myself into work this week I am now facing OFSTED in October and it has put me right back. I can't afford to take any more time off work and don't want to tell the head as he got annoyed last time. I'm trying to carry on as I do love teaching children and know that being in the classroom is the best place for me, but its getting harder each day!!!


05-09-04, 11:26
Hi Mabel

Welcome to the site, glad to have you on board!

Im sure you are feeling a bit jittery at the moment because you have just had a long summer holiday and its going to take a little while to get back into the old routine.

Do you take meds or have councelling or alternative therapy at all?

What age children do you teach?

take care
love Sarah

05-09-04, 12:02
I'm on antidepressants. Tried various ones, on efexor at the moment. Have been through a nasty relationship breakup so its no suprise really. I had CBT last time I was ill and have had councilling but nothing seems to really work long term. I suppose its a question of remembering and practising what i've learnt, but its seems like such hard work!!! I'm determined not to give up completley this time (as I have done before!) but it feels a struggle to keep on going sometimes. I find peoples sympathy tends to run out after a few days so I'm just pretending I'm fine at the moment!!! It does seem to work though as I'm still carrying on even if I do feel crap!!! Although i think I'm developing a drink problem.

05-09-04, 12:31
Hello there Mabel!!

I spoke to you in the chatroom yesterday and am glad to see that you have signed up to the message forum!! Welcome!! I'm sure you will get loads of support here - take care.

Sarah :D

05-09-04, 12:42
thanks! it feels nice to talk to people who actually know what I'm going through!!! had a dreadful night last night as I woke up at some unearthly hour of the night and couldn't sleep!!! Damn it!

05-09-04, 13:43
Hi Mabel

Welcome to the site and forum.

It must be hard to teach and panic cos a lot of us that panic can usually run away somewhere for a while - the loo was my favourite place.

You are doing well to keep going at work - it will definitely keep your mind occupied and that is what us panickers need.

Have you come across Rescue Remedy? It is something that you can sip in water all day and may help to calm you.

As for the drinking - a few of us on here are doing the same thing - using alcohol to relieve symptoms etc but we all know that it is not the answer don't we.

Have you looked at Meg's first steps post - there may be something in there that you can try.

Look here .....First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)


05-09-04, 14:08
Hi Mabel

Welcome to the forum. It must be really difficult coping with depression and anxiety while teaching, and you are doing well to keep working.

I am sure you will get a lot of support here.

Take care,


05-09-04, 17:00
Thanks so much, I no that once I get into school I will be fine but its the thought thats the problem!!! AND i have just been stung by a wasp which is very sore!!! as if i haven't got enough to worry about!

05-09-04, 23:00
Hi Mabel,

Welcome to the site. You will find lots of useful info and support. So you have definately come to the right place!

You do a good job with the teaching! Keep up the good work!

I hope your wasp sting is better now!

Take care


06-09-04, 11:50
hello mabel

i think you are being brave and courageous by still going into work even tho you feel bad. and yes i understand what you mean when you sya poeples sympathy runs out after a few days. so hang on in there. i have had this problem for 14 years and like you have tried various remedies . hope the wasp sting is better!!

welcome, oshun

06-09-04, 13:35
Hi Mabel,

Welcome onboard.

I am now facing OFSTED in October. In what capacity is this - are you being assessed or a routine classroom assessment .

We have another teacher who spent a bit of time with us on this forum throughout the summer but is now much better. I'm sure she's be pleased to have a 'chat' with you if you have professional concerns about Ofted etc that we won't be able to relate to .

We're here to support you through the rest.
What ages do you teach ?

Sorry to hear about your relationship breakup - never easy to deal with .

Please do keep the alcohol under control not just for your immediate health but also for your career.


Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind.
If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.
Robert Albert Bloch

06-09-04, 19:58
Hello Mabel
Just want to say welcome to the site

Jill :D

06-09-04, 20:01
well i survived the day with 30 demanding 9 year olds!!! it was tough and i felt terrified most of the time but I survived!!! Knackered now, woke up at 4.00am feeling scared! Didin't have a drink until I got home at 6.00pm and am trying to limit it!!! Don't want to risk losing my job. We're having a whole school inspection in October and I will have inspectors watching me every day for at least 50% of the time. I know I can do it has I have never had a bad observation but the thought is still really scary!!! Maybe you could let me know how to get in touch with this other teacher. I think it could help

Thanks for all your support

mabel (caroline)

06-09-04, 20:25
Great that you survived the day so well done on that!

Good news on the drinking as well. Just try to keep that up for now and only drink in the evenings.

Hope tomorrow is just as good for you.


06-09-04, 20:36
Cheers!!! trying really hard with the drinking. I know its stupid but when its the only thing that makes you feel better (even in the short term!) its difficult. At least at work I know I cant drink!!! and I don't and that does me good. I seem to fall down during the holidays!!! My mum has even said I can't have holidays anymore!!! bless her, she knows me too well!!!

07-09-04, 19:03
Hi Mabel,

I'm Tess the teacher Meg was talking about. I know what you are going through having had depression on and off and then more recently anxiety and panics. Drop me a PM and we can have a 'chat'. What you need to get through the next few weeks is support. These b******s [sorry everyone] don't realise the havoc they cause.

Keep your chin up and look forward to hearing from you soon,

love Tess xx

11-09-04, 16:27
Not too bad a week, seem to have been so busy, which takes my mind off things. My ex-boyfriend has gone over to France to stay with his mum, but wanted to come back for 2 weeks before he goes off too university to do a masters degree (which I'm paying for!). I told him he couldn't come and stop, only to collect his things as it seems to upset me. Now hes got all shirty with me and I feel guilty. Trying not too as he hasn't had a job for 6 years and I've been suporting him. Had to pay him 12,500 as the house was in his name too even though he didn't pay a penny on the mortgage!!!! Shouldn't owe him anything really I've looked after him for too long which is why I became ill in the first place. Need to let off steam as its irritating me.

Mabel (caroline)

11-09-04, 18:13
hi mable

i know this is a bit late but welcom e to the forum

Scooter Girl

if i was hungry would you feed me, if i fell you help me up, if i was crying would you brush away my tears

11-09-04, 22:00
Hi Mabel

Just caught up with this thread but I wanted to say welcome and well done for surviving your first week :D. Hope that the forum will be able to help - we're always here for you.

Best wishes, love Jo xx

12-09-04, 00:52
Hi Mabel

sorry to hear you are having such a hard time, but you have got your self back to work and however hard it is for you, you are coping.

I know drinking doesnt help and cant critise you for it at all because that is my way of coping once i have my daughter in and settled.

We both know it isnt the answer but while we feel how we do it helps, suppose we need to build up the confidence to see we can cope and sleep without it.

Completely understand how you feel and will support you all you need hon.

Take care.

Love Sal xxxxx