View Full Version : How Do You know If Your Are Losing touch With Real

21-01-07, 02:43
I was just wondering..how do you know when you are losing touch with reality ?Lately my mind seems to just drift..I wake sometimes and would rather be asleep as I have no worries while asleep.I do dream dreams that seem to be pleasant at times and others I dream are a horrid nightmare.When I wake my mind tells me there is nothing to really be awake for.Sometimes I wonder if its the worry that im afraid of facing..Another day of scared of heart issues or weakness or whatever the symptom of the day is.They say that when you have anxiety everyone thinks they are crazy but you aren't so how do you know if its anxiety or you are just going off the deep end worrying.For the last few days I have thought that I didnt have blood flow in my legs and my heart seemed to be weird.Although when I looked at my legs again they seem to be ok.There are times when my body feels as though there is no blood in it and my skin white and then next time I look my feet are red and tingling.I have been told there is nothing wrong with me yet i feel all these things .My mind is starting to think its better to be asleep.I have tried keeping going with projects.At times they almost seem interesting and sometimes I get online and answer questions on yahoo ,things that I have an interested in or theory and then some technical..I seem to float away on a devotion to doing that then it seems out of the blue I wake from what im doing and realize i have my health to worry about instead of answering other peoples questions..I also have this problem when I seem to be enjoying other things.After its over I go back to my mental state of worry,like im almost guilty that i was enjoying myself. Does this go along with anxiety or is it just that my mind is going?For the last few days I have questioned my thoughts and wondered if im dealing with reality ok.I never know what to feel or how to feel.I just wish it would all go away and thought I was on the track to improvement but now im wondering if im just fooling myself and ill never be better.. Anyone else feel this way?


May all beings everywhere plagued
with sufferings of body and mind
quickly be freed from their illnesses.
May those frightened cease to be afraid,
and may those bound be free.
May the powerless find power,
and may people think of befriending each other.
May those who find themselves in trackless, fearful wilderness--
the children, the aged, the unprotected--
be guarded by beneficent celestials,
and may they swiftly attain Buddhahood.