View Full Version : wish I could live in a bubble

12-04-15, 04:10
My three year old just accidentally kicked me in the temple. It wasn't a hard kick and common sense should have told me I'm fine but Ha told me to Google and I found out that the part of the skull behind the temple is the thinest part of the skull and right behind it is a Major artery apparently even a low impact hit could break the thin piece of skull and cause brain bleed. I been freaking out ever since and it doesn't help that my head has started hurting. Im convinced now that my brain is bleeding. Sucks and I can't calm down.

12-04-15, 08:46
Morning, i don't think you would have bleeding brain from that and also google isn't a good thing to do with someone with anxiety as the saying goes you will go from a common cold to clinically dead in a few seconds.

However i do understand your fear as i fear about everything and anything , but i have i have been hurt many times in the temple and imagine this also , there is a face and head massage that has you massaging that area with your fingers , HA will make symptoms worse and even cause symptoms to appear wven when they are not there if you know what i mean . The more we freak out about something the more our minds create more symptoms .

How are you feeling this morning ? and you wouldn't really enjoy living in a bubble you would miss out on all the wonderful memories of your 3 year old x

12-04-15, 14:05
Good Morning feel the love. Thank you for replying I'm feeling more relaxed today and the headache is gone. I realize how silly my thinking was. Thanks