View Full Version : Sore Tongue

21-01-07, 03:05
Alright! I am finding this site to be really helpful! So I figured what the heck, Why not another question thats been bothering me for some time lol.

Well heres how it goes..

For as long as I can remember, I sometimes develop a soreness on the right side of my tongue. This usually comes and go, and never stays for a prolonged period of time. I have no other noticable physical symptoms that could be connected to this through out my body. What I'm curious about is if this could be stress related?

I also have a habit to chew on the tip of the right side of my tongue with my canine, but I don't see how this could portions farther back(which usually occurs)

It feels like a stupid question to ask but you all seem pretty open! haha

Thank you very much for your time/responses. Its greatly appreciated.

21-01-07, 04:35
I get this and strangely enough it is my whole tongue. I often wonder what I did and it actually feels like I have stuck out my tongue and pulled every muscle on both sides. I get it and never know why. I think I do it in my sleep but can't be too sure.
I can relate.

