View Full Version : meds advice

12-04-15, 09:47
Hi all,
Had anxiety for few years now and ive been coping ok with it. But recently started to stress alot more with work and general life. Ive noticed when i get stressed i get that swimming head sensation. I havent had this before this bad. Last night i was working in a busy bar and kept thinking i was going to pass out. So far i havent..touch wood..but it subsides after i relax.
Is this blood pressure related? Could my BP rise?
Or is it just anxiety? A sensation.
What meds do you take for anxiety? Ive been avoiding this route but recently anxiety and stress are taking over my life.

12-04-15, 11:13
Relaxation does help - be it deep breathing exercises, or self-help CD's. If you want to investigate the meds route - best to go and see your GP to discuss how you are feeling, Sarah. There are meds available that can help, both in the short and long term - depending on how bad the anxiety is. GP has to be first point of contact though. :)

12-04-15, 12:26
I can also get light headed when anxious and it mostly happens in public places or at work when you are stressed, it can happen to me in heavy traffic or driving long distances. It is not very nice and you can feel a bit of a zombie for a while I think it is called depersonalisation but can vary from person to person.
If you are young high BP should not be an issue but get it checked out by your GP along with medication advice.
I suffer from GAD and am taking Citalopram for it, I think overall it has helped me but there are side effects to consider in the long term and it can take several weeks to start working.

Take Care

12-04-15, 12:47
Thanks, yep GP is last resort...ive tried cbt but it didnt really help, i find it hard to relax. Im too edgy. Deep breathing helps ease it a bit. I just need something to take the edge off..was hoping there was a mild med i could take with not too many side effects.
What side effects do you have?
I take Kalms..theyre ok but can't rely on them.