View Full Version : Embarassing problem, Hemorrhoids?

12-04-15, 11:27
since yesterday I have been feeling something unusual when I was wiping after having a bowel movement. It feels like a lump or rough skin around my anus. There are also traces of blood. Previously to this I had also seen traces of blood but this was due to over vigorous wiping due to ocd. Is this anything to worry about and should I see a doctor?

I have never had anything like this before and I also have moral contamination/contamination ocd, so this is particularly embarrassing for me.

Any help would be great thanks.

12-04-15, 11:56
Hi ZX,

Roids sound like a possibility. I've had them for about 20 years, but they mostly don't cause any issues and have times when they flare up a bit.

Wiping a lot or with rough paper can cause some minor bleeding just like when you pick a scab. Having the runs can also cause then to swell up. Some paper find alcohol can cause then to flare up.

You mention an excessive wiping issue due to OCD which I understand as I've had an issue here myself about number of times, the need for equal numbers and number of sheets used per wipe (variable as it would be more for so many equal routines first).

If you do it a real lot then perhaps you have rubbed the skin away and it has been a scab as opposed to a roid?