View Full Version : Embarassing problem, Hemorrhoids?

12-04-15, 11:40
since yesterday I have been feeling something unusual when I was wiping after having a bowel movement. It feels like a lump or rough skin around my anus. There are also traces of blood. Previously to this I had also seen traces of blood but this was due to over vigorous wiping due to ocd. Is this anything to worry about and should I see a doctor?

I have never had anything like this before and I also have moral contamination/contamination ocd, so this is particularly embarrassing for me.

Thanks for any help.

12-04-15, 11:55
Hi ZX,

Roids sound like a possibility. I've had them for about 20 years, but they mostly don't cause any issues and have times when they flare up a bit.

Wiping a lot or with rough paper can cause some minor bleeding just like when you pick a scab. Having the runs can also cause then to swell up. Some paper find alcohol can cause then to flare up.

You mention an excessive wiping issue due to OCD which I understand as I've had an issue here myself about number of times, the need for equal numbers and number of sheets used per wipe (variable as it would be more for so many equal routines first).

If you do it a real lot then perhaps you have rubbed the skin away and it has been a scab as opposed to a roid?

12-04-15, 12:19
Thanks for the reply,
I am finding this particularly embarrassing as I haven't experienced anything like this before. It also doesn't help with my thoughts around contamination and ocd ect. It was there yesterday and it is still there today, I just hope it goes away soon. It does make me feel a bit eurgh.

12-04-15, 12:29
Its all perfectly normal and they are incredibly common. People often think its something old people get but this is wrong because they are very common to people who lift weights.

There is no need to be embarrassed.

Try not to strain and very plenty of fibre, fruit & veg, etc.

12-04-15, 16:50
Thanks again,
I am thinking that maybe it could be an anal fissure because I have noticed that I sometimes have a slight feeling of soreness when I am walking around or moving. I am wondering if I should try to see a doctor about it.

13-04-15, 22:34
It could be a fissure, especially if you're wiping too much.

Piles can be sore and are a pain in the butt! It's always good to pop and see the doc as he"ll give you some cream to sort it out.

13-04-15, 23:22
Piles can be sore and are a pain in the butt! It's always good to pop and see the doc as he"ll give you some cream to sort it out.


I have them too! It's a genetic thing, but diet really helps.

Prunes and other dried fruit soften your stools. They come out when you strain, so avoid straining by eating fruit that makes them soft enough to come out more easily.

It's basically part of the lining of your insides popping out. The more you strain, the more will pop out. They normally go back in of their own accord, unless you leave it for a long time and it gets really really bad and you don't change your diet. My dad had to have an operation to get them removed when he was younger. My entire family have them.

I've never used a cream but I've found that eating cereal for breakfast every day, plus fruit helps. If I ever have a flare up, I buy prunes or dried apricots and eat them like medicine.

14-04-15, 04:35
Roids can definitely be sore, especially if they bleed. You may also very some liquid leaking and white mucus when you go to the toilet. Don't worry about that, its normal.

There are over the counter treatments but suppositories are a bit of a pain (you gain more respect for women who use tampons! ). The best I ever had was a prescription only foam, that worked far better but it is steroid based.

15-04-15, 20:25

Could be hemorrhoids and or an anal fissure, neither of them much fun! lol only advise i can give is to make sure you're diet is good that you have enough fiber and most importantly enough water intake to ensure your bowel movement is easy as not to make anything worse. Also i suggest sitz baths, regular short baths of warm water to help ease the area really works

Hope its better soon

15-04-15, 23:19
I agree that baths can be soothing. I also used an over the counter cream which had a slight anaesthetic effect which really helped. I have just the one pile, which I've had for years. It is always there, but usually I am unaware of it. It flares up if I strain but settles down after a few days.
It sounds like you have the same problem. Don't worry if it does not disappear once it stops being sore. It;s perfectly normal.